C language > Tips & tricks

WCRT C runtime library with source

(1/3) > >>

WCRT is a small C runtime library for Visual C++, which implements parts of its functionality through calls to the Win32API. It is meant as a replacement for the Visual C runtime library (libc.lib) for small projects. Source included.

Version 1.12 has just been released. Works with Pelles C from v1.08.



RJP Computing:
How would a person use this in PellesC IDE? Sorry a newbie question. :wink:

I have attached a project file for Pelles C - can at least be used as a starting point. Requires MASM, which can be found here: http://www.masm32.com/

(Check Project Options, Macros tab, AS macro, in case the path needs to be changed).


RJP Computing:
Hi Pelles,

Thanks but I think you didn't attach it to the forum. Is it on the main website?

I didn't notice that. Sorry. Wrong file extension - not accepted. We try again...



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