C language > Tips & tricks

COM helper library

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John Z:
Here is a link to a helper library that with just two files opens up a lot of possibilities. 
Really useful - I was able to add two files and a few (to get started) lines of code and have added a working speech capability to my program.  8)


From the developer:

--- Quote ---DispHelper is a COM helper library that can be used in C++ or even plain C. No MFC or ATL required! It allows you to call COM objects with a printf style syntax. Included with DispHelper are over 20 samples demonstrating using COM objects from ADO to WMI
--- End quote ---

The code needs few minor fixups to run the "plain C sources" under Pelles C version 10, mainly adding l to %s in a few places, as in "%ls".  So far I've only used the speech interface but there are many other examples.  Would have taken me a long time to figure out from scratch although I'd end up a bit more knowledgeable if I did.

John Z

Good thing, thanks! COM is terrible.

Another option ...

BCX makes using COM scripts written in VBA, VBScript and others pretty easy.  The
best part is being able to easily mix non-COM code with COM, in order to get real
work done.    ;)

BCX includes a number of time-saving wrappers.  The BCX code below generates
the attached C file that compiles with Pelles V11 just fine.   The attached zip
contains the C source code and a 38kb executable.  No other dependencies needed.

oVoice = COM ("SAPI.SpVoice")
IF ISOBJECT(oVoice) THEN oVoice.Speak "Hello from BCX"
UNCOM (oVoice)


An old example from Tino

--- Code: ---#include <objbase.h> // Necessary for COM ( + ole32.lib see Project Properties)
#include <sapi.h> // Found in PellesC-Include-Folder
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

printf("Sapi 5.1 - PellesC Demo - Turn on the speakers & Listen\r\n\r\n");

ISpVoice *pVoice = NULL;

if (FAILED(CoInitialize( 0 )) ) return FALSE;

HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(
(void **) &pVoice);

if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ){
hr = pVoice->lpVtbl->Speak( pVoice, L"Hello world. Ehlo world.", 0, 0);
pVoice->lpVtbl->Release( pVoice );
pVoice = NULL;

CoUninitialize ();
return 0;

--- End code ---

What is 'BCX' ?


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