C language > Tips & tricks

Compiling Lua 5.02 for Win32 with Pelles C 2.90


just download the lua distribution from the link below and use my attachment.


first extract the lua distribution to a dir, then extract the attachment into that dir too. in the source root dir should be a "build_win32_lua_pc.bat" and in "etc\" should be the file "windll.c". open "build_win32_lua_pc.bat" with an editor an change the options as needed. after that run the batch file to compile lua.


Ngan Lo:
very useful tips, thx, nitex !!  8)

thanks ngan lo!

i've updated the batch file. it now supports upx and petite for compression and automatically compiles debug and release builds for all files. i've also added the compilation to static libraries which will be written to the lib dir. the file "generate_output_txt.bat" was added which generates a "output.txt" for later reviewing.

greets, alex

To build lua for winCE I had to hack around a few absent library functions, mostly dealing with files.  Fortunately for my application, the lua features using them aren't needed.


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