Pelles C > Bug reports

WIN7: InitializeContext KERNEL32.DLL error

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Thank you all for quick and relevant reactions.
Is being appreciated.

I will look to apply the different approaches suggested, coming next week.

One little detail, I kind of use a (cracked) WINT 7 64 bit version which I have downloaded long time ago.
Has no service pack updated.
However did come with a toolkit for bypassing the licensing.
Used to be the solution back when I was a poor student, so to speak.

Greetings form Belgium.
Have a nice weekend.

Kind regards.

John Z:

--- Quote from: Kobold on August 11, 2023, 12:06:16 PM ---[
However, I'm still running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, fully updated (and still receiving updates at least for Windows Defender). Never had that problem you have. I think SP1 is mandatory because Win7, like every new Windows version, was a buggy mess when it got released.

--- End quote ---

I'm also still getting defender and security update for win 7 home premium  :)

John Z

Hi jurgenve,

You need to install SP1 and the following updates.

John Z:
Seems still possible to download SP1.
See attachment below.

John Z

Hi jurgenve,

Here is a small command-line tool for you to clarify the situation. VerifyExport32.exe is a console application and you will find the 64-bit version of the application in the attachment, VerifyExport64.exe

The tool reports if a DLL exports a function name \ API or not.

--- Code: ---Usgae : VerifyExport DLLname FuncName
--- End code ---

Testing the tool on my system :

--- Code: ---VerifyExport32 kernel32.dll InitializeContext
kernel32.dll is exporting InitializeContext

VerifyExport64 kernel32.dll InitializeContext
kernel32.dll is exporting InitializeContext
--- End code ---

Let's try a function which is not provided by kernel32 :

--- Code: ---VerifyExport32.exe kernel32.dll GetMemory
kernel32.dll does not export the function GetMemory
--- End code ---


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