C language > Beginner questions

What is wrong ?

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John Z:
Hi CFred,

I don't think you need to change your whole program.  Just use the older version or Rich-Edit as long
as no Unicode characters are expected.

There are two:

The latter being ASCII.  At version 1.5 RichEdit went unicode

Also you can force RichEdit20 to be ASCII or UNICODE- from MS
"The name of the Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0 window class is RichEdit. Microsoft Rich Edit 2.0 has both ANSI and Unicode window classes RichEdit20A and RichEdit20W, respectively. To specify the appropriate rich edit window class, use the RICHEDIT_CLASS constant, which the Richedit.h file defines depending on the definition of the UNICODE compile flag."

You can force  the desired RichEdit20 by using RICHEDIT_CLASS which will automatically sest the class depending on the having or not having UNICODE defined.
John Z

Thanks, John Z.

Before I saw your latest reply I tried using FINDTEXT in its own module with only that module set up for Unicode and I found that FINDTEXT seems to work without any issues (I have the rich text control in a separate module that uses RichEdit50W).


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