Author Topic: PORC: Invalid handling of custom resource type during RC compilation  (Read 2545 times)


  • Guest
Hello. In my RC file produced by MSVC6, there is a line:

IDR_HELP                HELP    DISCARDABLE     "resource\\help_en.rtf"

- it is a resource with id=IDR_HELP of custom type "HELP" located in file "resource\help_en.rtf". When I try to compile the RC file using PORC, I get:

PORC: D:\...\Frontend_en.rc(1059): warning: Unrecognized or misplaced token: help
PORC: D:\...\Frontend_en.rc(1059): warning: Unrecognized or misplaced token: help
PORC: D:\...\Frontend_en.rc(1059): warning: Unrecognized or misplaced token: discardable
PORC: D:\...\Frontend_en.rc(1059): warning: Unrecognized or misplaced token: "STRING"

Microsoft's RC.EXE compiles the RC file successfully.

When I change "HELP" to something else, such as "HELP2", the PORC compilation finishes successfully. I'm aware that "HELP" is also a keyword used in MENU resource statement. PORC's lexical analyzer probably returns something like L_HELP instead of L_STRING("HELP"), while L_HELP is not expected after the resource identifier.

Is this fixable in PORC?

Thank you for developing such a great product!