Author Topic: Makefile *.ppj doesn't do the same the GUI does  (Read 2740 times)


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Makefile *.ppj doesn't do the same the GUI does
« on: December 04, 2008, 01:17:34 AM »
Hello everybody,

I tried to use the Makefile *.ppj for a console build and wonder why I got many errors concerning not available include resp. lib path. I changed the Makefile manually and saw it is parsed everytime the project is load from the GUI. That's ok but why the Makefile doesn't apply the same behavior the GUI does?

INCLUDE = $(PellesCDir)\Include\Win;$(PellesCDir)\Include#
CCFLAGS =  -Tx86-coff -Ot -Ox -W2 -Gd #
<target>: <dependency>
   $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"

Where is the include path? The GUI builds the project without issues. I miss the creation of the output directory and some other useful things in the Makefile (e.g. clean target).
