Author Topic: I have time tonight  (Read 2775 times)


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I have time tonight
« on: March 07, 2016, 08:26:06 PM »
Yes, so I made a reflexion about Pelle's.
Nothing to say about the editor (execpt arrows), nothing to say about c compiler, it detects errors that msvc does not see. The resource editor is perfect. But that's all.

I think there are too many add-ins and many of them would be included in the editor, because when re-installing, the addins search is long.

Many programmers write very efficient code code or very usefull code. Many time I think taht if we don't need it in a time (more or less long), the work is lost. I would like there are libraries with all of hem and would be included in the installation process. The programmers that use Masm32 will understand. Having such a library with code is a very good idea.

That's what I thing, I don't have the truth, any idea will be welcome.


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Re: I have time tonight
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 08:39:58 PM »
Regarding the compiler, I have in mind the optimization bugs which must be fixed ASAP. [1]
Regarding the resource compiler I have in mind the annoying behavior of expanding macros. [2]

As for addins I have to admit I'm not using any at the moment. Which are the ones you care about most Grincheux?


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Re: I have time tonight
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 08:56:55 PM »
The one that increment buit version is the only one I use.

I have installed for testing the buildbackup addin. But I always made a "#SoS" folder where I copy very often my files when I made a lot of work in my program, the I send to my server.