Assembly language > Assembly discussions

I am begginer

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Thanks a lot to all, i need to study more POASM structure. A very good example from "timovjl" <-- thanks. I would appreciate if someone wold give an example how to shoe "Hello" to console. 

Sure, here it is:

.486         ; create 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall   ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none   ; case sensitive

includelib kernel32.lib

TheMessage   db "PoAsm is great:", 0

ConOut proc lpszText, sl
LOCAL bytesWritten
   invoke GetStdHandle, -11   ; STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
   xchg eax, ecx
   invoke WriteFile, ecx, lpszText, sl, addr bytesWritten, 0
ConOut endp

   invoke ConOut, addr TheMessage, sizeof TheMessage
   invoke ExitProcess, 0
end start

Simpler minimal version:

--- Code: ---.486         ; create 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall   ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none   ; case sensitive

includelib kernel32.lib

ExitProcess proto : DWORD
GetStdHandle    PROTO :DWORD

msg   db "PoAsm is great!",13,10,0
numw  dd 0

   invoke GetStdHandle, -11
   invoke WriteFile, eax, addr msg, sizeof msg, addr numw, 0
   invoke ExitProcess, 0
end start
--- End code ---
When using debugger this one using PROC and ENDP works better:
--- Code: ---.486         ; create 32 bit code
.MODEL FLAT, STDCALL   ; 32 bit memory model
OPTION CASEMAP :NONE   ; case sensitive

INCLUDELIB kernel32.lib

ExitProcess  PROTO :DWORD

msg   db "PoAsm is great!",13,10,0
numw  dd 0

start PROC
   INVOKE GetStdHandle, -11
   INVOKE WriteFile, eax, ADDR msg, SIZEOF msg, ADDR numw, 0
   INVOKE ExitProcess, 0
start ENDP
END start
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: jj2007 on February 05, 2014, 10:59:20 PM ---... besides, I find your attempt to push the OP to continue with JWasm and 16-bit code utterly anachronistic.

--- End quote ---
Given that he states in his (her?) subject that (s)he is a beginner, without any indication of what his/her problem is (s)he ran into and what the purpose for trying to get this exact example, which is clearly 16bit DOS based code (hence INT21h calls), I think that referring to a cleaner, DOS based assembler is rather appropriate than anachronistic.
Understanding how x86 assembler works is one thing, understanding what is required to get this working in Windows is a completely different ball game.

Basics never change, environments do...



--- Quote from: Bitbeisser on February 05, 2014, 11:34:42 PM ---without any indication of what his/her problem is
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: zellJunior on February 05, 2014, 09:17:49 PM ---Please someone help me adapt this code to POASM
--- End quote ---

This is what Timo and I have done. Re environments, for console apps the switch from DOS to Win32 is not a big issue.


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