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John Z:
Two inputs, just downloaded and tried it.  It crashes with the error above on Windows 10 64 bit as well. Error is as mentioned "Not enough memory for this operation".  Deleted the INI file then another error.  IMO if there is not an INI file the program should automatically create a minimum clean empty one, not crash....so that is a possible improvement.
Troubleshooting :
Deleted all entries under [Recent Files] does not help.
Deleted all entries under [User tools] does not help.
Deleted all entries under [System Tools] does not help.
These are the culprits and the danger of providing a 'used' ini rather than a fresh clean one
Load Last Project=1
Load Last File=1
Last Project=C:\Users\Philippe\Documents\Pelles C Projects\E++\E++.prj
Last File=C:\Users\Philippe\Documents\Pelles C Projects\E++\E++.c

In particular change Load Last File=0 and the program will not crash.

For autoloading items the technique I use to prevent this situation is to ignore auto loading if the last program start-up crashed.  I handle this by writing to the ini file a value of crash=true before opening and loading a file then if it was a success write to the ini file crash=false.  On startup check the crash flag if set to crash=true don't load the last file.

Regarding Batch Processing in an editor: I use WildEdit, and use TextPad for most things.  However they are not free.

Hope this is helpful, Regards,

John Z:
Some inputs for you other than my  post above.

--- Quote from: Grincheux on January 26, 2020, 08:31:56 PM ---If some people tested the program telle me the bugs you find.

Thank You

--- End quote ---

Understanding without documentation sometimes there are misunderstandings ….. here are some inputs:

1) Under temp I see many log files. When the program was crashing nothing indicating that the crash happened, or what error message were displayed, or any reason were written to the log files.  This seems to be an oversight.  Also how many log files will there be, and is there a mechanism to clean out the files? Already have 16 of them.

2) It is inconvenient to always need to resize the editor window, keeping it from using the full screen, every time it is started. Can you store the last used window size and position and use that for the startup?

3) The two language files are not in synch. [File.Filters] in particular.
   [Dialogs.Batch.Cmds] in French has double entries for the same id number #6, and #7
   [Menus.Titles] in English has double entries for the same id number #7
   [Menu.Tools] in English has French for item #1
4) Tool tips show three icons with the same tip "First", the light bulb, the gear and checkmark.  The bulb brings up the CPU information, the gear does nothing, and also the globe icon and checkmark does nothing that I could figure out. The checkmark icon does change when using lock origin and unlock origin but nothing seems to change in the document or cursor positioning.

5) First and Last toolbar icons actually execute Next and Previous, while the Next and Previous icons don't do anything.

6) Using Find box - each letter I type in was quadrupled "log" became "lllloooogggg".  When I carefully backspaced out the extra characters and searched, I'm not sure what it is highlighting - much more than the word...
   Screen shots taken.
7) Using "Replace" the letters also quadrupled.  Backspace technique did not work fixing the word.  Could never get just "log"
   screen shot taken.
Maybe when the help file is complete more things will become clear.
This was all done on a Windows 10 64 bit system version 1903, with a just downloaded copy of the program, which btw I could not find any version information to report back from within the program but the file information shows 489K modified date 1/28/2020 3:26PM

Hope this is useful to you.

John  (Jean en Français)  :)

Load Last File=0 made the difference, thanks John.

The find box has a weird bug, every character you type appears 4x

John Z:
I hesitate to add more tests results for fear that without the documentation
I do not understand the features.  I'll add these for now:

Edit - Go To ...
  Go to Column is selecting from line start to N rather than just moving the cursor
  Go to Line is going to the line number then selecting the entire line
  [ just fyi - dialog boxes are in French ]
  In my experience Go To just moves a cursor not performs a selection.
Columns - English has French for 'insert a column'
 I'm not able to figure out how the Columns - items are really supposed to work.
 I've not been able to select just a column, even if selecting one character the
 'change' affects much more than a column.  Screen shots attached,

Selection - Lowercase and Uppercase have some issue.
Attached screen shots show an example.


Some of the screen shots will be fuzzy trying to fit all into the
1 Meg upload limit.

Edit menu:
- Find box: typing impossible
- Find box: if you insert a string using the right-click menu,
  a) it gets inserted twice in the main text
  b) it doesn't get found
- Delete: doesn't work in the first line
- Clear: inserts spaces (??)

Selection menu:
- reverse: funny but it works
- check an expression: always returns "no syntax error found"
- lowercase, uppercase: inserts random extra characters
- Clear: inserts one random extra character
- Delete: compliments, it seems to work as it should!
- same for Translate to Morse

Columns menu:
- Lowercase: dangerous, don't use
- insert a column, Insert a number: ditto, destroys the text with only a few lines of undo

Lines menu:
- Delete until the end of line: inserts random characters or "?" before the insertion point
- Go to the first/last line: shows the first/last line, but when typing, the cursor is still at the same position

Inserts menu:
- insert a comma: does exactly that, in all lines of the document. Not enough undo, of course.
- Insert a new line: doesn't insert a line but prepends "®" to all lines in the doc
- Insert Date, Time, Guid: works!

Mode menu:
- lowercase: disables the Shift key and all typing is lowercase
- uppercase: disables the Shift key and all typing is uppercase

Close button: "Do you want to save changes?"->Cancel: closes instead of staying open.

Conclusion: dangerous, don't use


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