Pelles C > Announcements

Version 10.00 is now released

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Thank you ALL for your kind words!

( I will probably start implementing some C2X features now, for the next C standard...
If you are really interested, the most recent draft AFAIK is N2478/N2479 here: )

This is very good! Thank you Pelle!

What good things added in C2X ? Did they add OOP? Because there were such plans, and as for me, this is crap..


--- Quote from: bitcoin on July 25, 2020, 09:20:27 PM ---What good things added in C2X ? Did they add OOP? Because there were such plans, and as for me, this is crap..

--- End quote ---
It's still a work in progress, so no complete list yet. Here are a few things:
- attributes as in C++: at leasty [[nodiscard]], [[maybe_unused]], [[deprecated]] and [[fallthrough]], maybe a few more. Also support for [[vendor::attribute]] for "private" extensions.
- memccpy(), strdup(), strndup() functions.
- u8 character prefix.
In other words: meh.

There is one proposal for an optional type of an enumeration (not just int), which sounds mildly useful. We'll see if it makes it into the standard.

I think a suggestion about OOP comes up up each time there is talk about a new C standard, with roughly 0% chance of succeeding (basically: use C++).

Thank You Pelle!!!  :D


--- Quote ---- memccpy(), strdup(), strndup() functions.
--- End quote ---
But Pelles C have strdup function. Or this is non-standart? ???
WinApi also have such functions. 


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