C language > Beginner questions

Converting 32 bit code to 64 bit code

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John Z:
Here is a nice summary about things to consider and do to convert 32 bit into 64 bit code.
It is from Oracle, June 2016 - yes I know I'm way behind  :) :) :)

John Z

Hi John,

Thanks. Here is another link :


John Z:
When upgrading another program to 64 bit I ran into this -
strlen() in 32 bit returns size_t which seems to be DWORD
strlen() in 64 bit returns size_t which seems to be unsigned long long int

so far so good - however in fileapi.h the WriteFile function
doesn't change parm 3 so when compiling for 64 bits you get
Log_To_File.c(101): warning #2215: Conversion from 'unsigned long long int' to 'unsigned long int'; possible loss of data or unexpected result.

The only way I can see is either suppress the #2215 warning or cast (DWORD)strlen()

Doesn't seem to be a WriteFile64 .... and WriteFile is not marked as depreciated..


John Z

So far upgrading from my old 32 bit programs to 64 bit has been relatively simple.  Benefit is questionable other than future proofing against 32 bit support disappearing.

"If your application needs to handle large files and you want to work with 64-bit sizes, you might consider using the WriteFileEx function, which has a different signature that includes a LARGE_INTEGER parameter for the file offset. This function is designed to work with large files on 64-bit systems."

--- Code: ---WINBASEAPI BOOL WINAPI WriteFileEx(
    HANDLE hFile,
    LPCVOID lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
    LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,

--- End code ---

John Z:
Thanks WiiLF23,

Appreciate the input - I did look at that and it seems overly complex for the simple log file entry.

There are other file methods of course, and it is just a warning, but to me it points out that 64 bit seems to not be fully implemented across the winbaseapi by Microsoft.

John Z


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