Assembly language > Assembly discussions

polink issue ?

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By chance i came across this problem. I have an app, which tests error recovery features. Linking the . obj file with MS´s linker just works fine, using polink the resulting .exe crashes. Investigating this further i found that polink resolves the local label "__el1" incorrect as it seems (assembler snippet "error.asm" line 18). This label name ("__el1") occurs in more than one procedure, but this shouldn´t be a problem, because it is a local label. Polink makes the corresponding jump go into a different procedure to a label with the same name, which leads to GPF further on. The attached .obj file has got inserted an "int 3" before the offending "jmp" in order to be able to easily find the error location with a debugger. Please study the supplied files in the attachment.



Hi jk,

Could you please provide the complete source code so we can reproduce the issue?

The original source is assembler and i use a very special setup, which at the moment is WIP and therefore scattered all over my HD - could be a major task reproducing.

That is why i supplied the assembled .obj file. As said avove the error occurs when linking with polink, it doesn´t occur with MS´s linker from Visual Studio. MS´s stuff is overbloated for what i need, therefore i tried polink. It works perfectly well in all of my other apps, but it fails here (al least i suppose it´s a linker problem).

The attachement contains the .obj file, the resulting .exe files for polink.exe and link.exe (MS), the batch commandline for polink (incl. command file), two debugger screenshots and a snippet of the relevant assembler code. As you can see, this isn´t regular assembler code, among other things my setup maps e.g xax to eax and rax respectively, that is, the same code can be assembled in 32 and 64 bit.

As already said above, my current best bet is, that the jump address in line 18 of the snippet isn´t "calculated" correctly in the linking process, because the name of the label "__el1" is not unique. It is unique per procedure, but it is not unique all over the .obj file, because a label with same name is present in several procedures. I hope this is sufficient data to investigate what happens.

John Z:
Hi jk,

So have you tried to prove it is a multiple label name use issue by changing to unique names?
From what you said there should be no issue using unique names since they are supposed to
be procedure scoped.  And this should be a relatively minor edit.

Trying to figure out a potential bug from the output result files is much more difficult than starting
from the sources.  Perhaps you can created a demo version with just one or two procedures using
an identical 'local' label that shows the bug resulting in a link error.

John Z

I can confirm, that making the offending label name unique over all procedures makes the problem go away.

To my understanding the error occurs somewhere in the linking process, otherwise the executable linked with MS´s linker wouldn´t run properly. In the attachment of post #1 i supplied the . obj file, which is all you need for linking it yourself, as well as additional info as far as i could. I don´t see the advantage of being able to create the .obj file yourself, when you already have this .obj file. In my opinion only the developer(s) of polink can tell, what is wrong here.

I don´t claim that polink is buggy! But i have an .obj file which (when linked to an executable) works fine with MS´s linker and doesn´t with polink. So at first glance there are two options:
- it could be a bug inside the .obj file, but then it would be crucial to have this file for testing and finding out, what´s wrong with the .obj file
- it could be a bug in polink and then it is equally essential to have exactly this .obj file   


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