Pelles C forum
Pelles C => Add-ins => Topic started by: John Z on May 17, 2021, 04:00:50 PM
Here is version 1.7.7 of an Add-In for PellesC (of course).
This Add-In is a Line counter. I saw a forum member ask for one.
The Add-In will be a menu item under the main menu 'Source.' It
will show as "Line Counts +".
It will do more than just line counting. You can get the line number for each user procedure. You can also get list of all user procedures called from within each user procedure. BTW the user procedure determination is independent and not using the treeview information from the project window.
John Z
Update 6/24 - The attachment here is the latest version 1.7.5 to make it easy :)
Update 7/6/2023 - The attachment here is the Pelles C V12.002 build to version 1.7.6
Update 8/14/2023 - The attachment here is the Pelles C V12.002 build to version
Update 11/01/2023 - The attachment on page 6 is the Pelles C V12.002 build to version 1.7.7
I have loaded your addin but I can't see any line. :-[
perhaps a step wise instruction
1) Close PellesC
2) Copy the dll into the "Bin" folder subfolder "Addins64"
3) Open PellesC
4) Click 'Tools'
5) Click 'Customize'
6) Click 'Add-Ins' tab
7) Check box next to "PellesC Line Counte Add-In" (I see typo)
8) Click OK
Steps 1-8 only need to be done the first time
9) Open a PellesC project file
10) Select a source .C file
11) Click Menu 'Source'
12) Click 'Line Counts' - Should be there ;) like attached screen shot
13) See results in Output tab
John Z
File name:C:\Users\51966\OneDrive\Documents\Pelles C Projects\Essai\Start.asm
startLine:90, endLine:93
Total Lines: 4
Empty Lines: 1
Code Lines: 3
With my current ASM Project
Tested on CFE project
File name:C:\Users\51966\OneDrive\Documents\Pelles C Projects\Cfe\Cfe.c
startLine:0, endLine:5946
Total Lines: 5946
Empty Lines: 1076
Lone {: 350
Lone {: 348
Comment Lines: 8
Continuations: 139
Code Lines: 4025
Great! I know it’s not detecting asm comment lines …. might be worth adding. I’ll look at your attachment. Was targeting C code originally.
Thanks for trying it.
John Z
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.c
startLine:0, endLine:371
Total Lines: 371
Empty Lines: 44
Lone {: 15
Lone {: 26
Comment Lines: 103
Continuations: 1
Code Lines: 182
Shouldn't be: "Total Lines: 372" ? ???
Thanks Frankie,
Well... there are actually 371 lines when I use the cursor in the file. The discrepancy, if any, might be in saying the start is line 0. PellesC edit window shows that to be line 1. I'll double check though when I fix the typos, one of which was the second output { line which should have been lone } (close bracket).
The TrimTail code had these lines for the full page:
iFirstLine = 0;
iLastLine = AddIn_GetSourceLineCount(hwndDoc) - 1;
So it appears to get line 1 you start with line 0, and the last line which is the required PellesC closing CRLF is not included.
The sum of the processed lines also adds up to the 371.
I'll look further though :)
Thanks for the inputs,
John Z
In C you search for '{' and '}', in asm search for 'PROC' and 'ENDP'.
Version 0.2
Fixed text typos, fixed line start when processing entire source file, fixed line end when processing a selected block of source code. Added some error reporting, added a count and warning of long lines > 4095 characters when found.
Haven't looked at processing asm specifically yet....
John Z
It was version 1.0 before and now 0.2!
For the asm I will wait, perhaps one day >:( >:( >:(
it was version 0.1 before …. shouldn't version 1.0 be the first 'official' release? ;D
I think asm line count needs different groupings, like .data, .code, comments, label lines, etc so will need to check extension and change processing based on the file type.
John Z
Version 0.3 for testing
This version adds in ASM specific line binning when the file extension is .asm
Question: Should it clear the output window before showing results?
Example Output:
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\Essai\Start.asm
startLine:1, endLine:118
Total Lines: 118
Empty Lines: 27
Data : 4
Labels : 5
Comment Lines: 22
Code Lines: 60
I'll post the code soon. I think it is almost done, I know it is not and probably never will be a high use add-in but it was a good one for me to gain experience on.
John Z
Question: Should it clear the output window before showing results?
I have installed the add-in but I don't see annythig for a '.c' file and a '.asm' file.
I made a wrong thing but which one?
Question: Should it clear the output window before showing results?
Thanks I'll add the clear.
I have installed the add-in but I don't see anything for a '.c' file and a '.asm' file.
I made a wrong thing but which one?
The determination of .asm or .c (where really is anything but .asm) is within the code by looking at the file extension. The user does not select C or ASM directly.
Looks like your post was hit with the Notepad++ bug but I was able to read it by using quote :)
John Z
Version 1.0 :)
ReadMe.txt - brief introduction and instructions
LineCount.dll - the add-in dll - The entire project as zipped by PellesC
John Z
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\TestSSE\Fusion.asm
startLine:1, endLine:107
Total Lines: 107
Empty Lines: 32
Data : 3
Labels : 5
Comment Lines: 19
Code Lines: 48
:D :D :D :D :D :D
With the following comment it is OK too
// This is a valid comment //
You would say that if there are errors at compile time the results you display can be wrong.
The file you read must be FREE of ERRORS
Very good job
It seems that the count of "}" is wrong.
I have 24 "{" and you find them.
I have 24 "}" and you find 22.
Verified with Notepad++
When I saw the numbers I thought I had removed some lines.
This indication is very important for me.
"startline" and "endline" are in lowercase but for the other lines the first letters is in uppercase.
I would prefer the following style :
File name: C:\Users\...\TestSSE\Main.c
Start Line: 1, EndLine: 262
Total Lines: 262
Empty Lines: 64
Lone {: 24
Lone }: 22
Comment Lines: 3
Code Lines: 149
In the case the number of '{' is deferent that the number of '}' you could display a warning.
For me this add-in is useful when reformating the text, after removing unnecessary lines...
Knowing that there is no problem with the pair {} is a good thing.
I'll check, but point out that it counts lone } not brackets that are with preceded with code.
{ A=1;}
} B=2;
all give different counts
example 1 would be 1{ and 1} and 1 Code,
example 2 would be 1{ and 0} and 1 Code,
example 3 would be 0{ and 0} and 1 Code
example 4 would be 1{ and 0} and 2 Code
So I was not trying to match Open and Close counts I was distinguishing code from just a lone bracket which I don't really consider a line of 'code', I might add that …
John Z
Ok but with the file I used it is the case 1.
The file used is in the 7zip file of my post about TestSSE
I join it here
Good to have examples - Thanks.
From your file
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOV5
RGBQUAD bmiColors[1];
The last line is the second example case. There are two spots where this is done. Here is the second:
typedef struct tagIMAGEINFOS
LPBYTE lpOriginal ;
double dRatio ; // Height Divided by Width (double = 64 bits)
Both of these would give 1 count of {, and no } counts because there is 'code' after the }
Perhaps not optimum, I'll think on it.
John Z
I have not thought to structures!
I join some examples of code of mine
That's all I have
I may add structure detection to handle differently as a unique (but standard) case. Thinking about it.....
Appreciate the additional examples. I'll try them.
John Z
Next version to test.
Modified to count every { and } report separately,
as well as counting the Lone { and }.
Should be more representative, however it is not perfect. For example if there is a text string containing
{ or } they are counted too. Not sure it is worth the code to detect these cases.....
Change output format ;)
John Z
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\Cfe\Fusion.c
Start Line:1, End Line:2033
Total Lines : 2033
Empty Lines : 351
Lone { : 54
Lone } : 54
ALL { : 67
All } : 67
Comment Lines : 694
Code Lines : 880
Here is all of version 1.1.
It currently only processes the 'active' project source window. Might be nice to be able to process every source file in the project. To do that I'll have to figure out how to open each file in the source tree. Then it could give the project totals too.
John Z
P.S. It works best if the source code has been processed using PellesC "Convert to"-"Formatted C code" :)
removed old attachment to free upload space
Publicity is prohibited... Like the internet site, "This is better if using G...C... Or M...."
Here is a new version which will process all source files open in the edit window. When there are multiple files open there will be a summary at the end of the output. So if you want the project totals just have the files open in the edit window then invoke the Line Counter. As long as the file is a source file it will be processed. To process a resource file it must be opened as text. If there are both C and asm and h they are all summarized together. If multiple files are open but a selection is made in one file and Line Counter is invoked with the selection the other files are not processed, just the selection.
I think this is much more useful now....
Example Output:
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.c
Start Line:1, End Line:748
Total Lines : 748
Empty Lines : 89
Lone { : 57
Lone } : 66
All { : 95
All } : 96
Comment Lines : 165
Code Lines : 371
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\LineCount.h
Start Line:1, End Line:23
Total Lines : 23
Empty Lines : 2
All { : 1
All } : 1
Comment Lines : 2
Code Lines : 19
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 771
Empty Lines : 91
Lone { : 57
Lone } : 66
All { : 96
All } : 97
Comment Lines : 167
Code Lines : 390
I need to update the doc and clean the source before posting them.
John Z
Update attached project zip and document ReadMe....
removed old attachments to free upload space
Tweak, tweak, tweak :)
Here is a version that adds function count to the output. It may miss some under certain circumstances but I'm still improving it. Also this version enhances .asm processing using Grincheux's wiw.asm as a reference example.
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.c
Start Line:1, End Line:892
Total Lines : 892
Empty Lines : 103
Lone { : 62
Lone } : 77
All { : 118
All } : 117
Comment Lines : 199
Code Lines : 439
Functions : 12
John Z
Updated with another feature. It can now enumerate the user defined functions from the code procedures section if desired.
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.c
Start Line:1, End Line:1114
Total Lines : 1114
Empty Lines : 136
Lone { : 67
Lone } : 86
All { : 152
All } : 151
Comment Lines : 268
Code Lines : 541
Functions : 16
1111 AddToList
1077 Extract_PName
1030 Extract_FName
1004 EnumProjFileCallback
914 OutputFileInfo
850 CheckForCall
783 CheckForFunction
732 CheckForContinue
695 Trailing_WTrim
678 Leading_WTrim
507 Parse_ASM
304 Parse_C
188 PreParse
136 AddInCommandEx
92 AddInMain
64 DllMain
For C code the number is the line number for the start of the procedure. For ASM the line number is the END of the PROC ie. ENDP line.
John Z
GENIAL :D ;) ;D :D ;) :) ;D :D ;) :)
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:1690
Total Lines : 1690
Empty Lines : 385
.Const : 4
.Data : 178
Lone Labels : 25
Comment Lines : 109
Code Lines : 989
Functions : 12
1685 Start
1468 WinMain
1346 WndProc
1244 WmCreate
1034 WmSize
951 WmCommand
897 SearchFiles
615 WriteToDataBase
586 CreateTheToolBar
506 Profile_Write
417 Profile_Read
338 Error
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
Start Line:1, End Line:95
Total Lines : 95
Empty Lines : 23
Code Lines : 72
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
Start Line:1, End Line:307
Total Lines : 307
Empty Lines : 33
Code Lines : 274
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 2092
Empty Lines : 441
.Data : 178
Lone Labels : 25
Comment Lines : 109
Code Lines : 1335
Functions : 12
For four tests.
For four tests.
Thank You.
John Z
Sample output with 'FlowTrace' enabled in a new beta version of the LineCounter Add-In. Project source for the testing was an old version of Sir Grincheux's ImageTools.prj. It has 40 source files ….
Is this output analysis useful? Maybe should be it's own add-in, but 'just' counting lines would probably not be a highly used add-in....
John Z
P.S. To skip to the FlowTrace section just search the file for FlowTrace, it is at the end
removed old attachment to free upload space
Great Work.
That is very complete now.
Take some vacations, you must be tired after sur a work.
I am very pleased that my source files could help you.
The PoLink does not gives results as your addin and I must say that is missing and gives a great help for a programmer.
This afternoon, I was searching for a function int a project I must say that I would have appreciate to have your tool.
Bravo John.
Very kind words - thank you.
Here is a sample run on WiW.asm.
Working on possible output improvements and features to be more informative so not quite ready for prime time, currently useful, but to borrow from you "Never be pleased, always improve" :)
John Z
Removed obsolete attachment - John Z
As would say a great coffee drinker : What else?
PERFECT for C and for ASM
Newer version but still not quite where I want to leave it. 'FlowTrace' now functional for ASM files.
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\WiW\WiW.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:2326
Total Lines : 2326
Empty Lines : 387
.Const : 10
.Data : 71
Lone Labels : 50
Comment Lines : 221
Code Lines : 1587
Functions : 15
189 EnumWindowsProc
537 EnumChildrenWindowsProc
880 CompareFunc
988 SearchWindows
1023 SearchChildrenWindows
1063 WmCommand
1128 WmSize
1167 WmSizeChildren
1206 WmCreateChildren
1465 CreateTheChildWindow
1510 WndChildProc
1668 WmCreate
1945 WndProc
2131 WinMain
2271 Start
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\WiW\WiW.asm
Calls under Procedure EnumWindowsProc
Calls under Procedure EnumChildrenWindowsProc
Calls under Procedure CompareFunc
Calls under Procedure SearchWindows
Calls under Procedure SearchChildrenWindows
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [SearchWindows] on line 1093
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure WmSizeChildren
Function [WmSize] on line 1167
Function [WmCreate] on line 1206
Function [SearchChildrenWindows] on line 1442
Calls under Procedure CreateTheChildWindow
Calls under Procedure WndChildProc
Function [WmSize] on line 1523
Function [WmCreate] on line 1526
Function [CreateTheChildWindow] on line 1597
Function [WmSizeChildren] on line 1637
Function [WmCreate] on line 1642
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [SearchWindows] on line 1923
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [WmCommand] on line 1957
Function [WmSize] on line 1960
Function [WmCreate] on line 1966
Function [CreateTheChildWindow] on line 2039
Function [WmSize] on line 2078
Function [WmCommand] on line 2085
Function [WmCreate] on line 2092
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [WinMain] on line 2317
John Z
Very Fast
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\Images.c
Start Line:1, End Line:426
Total Lines : 426
Empty Lines : 99
Lone { : 29
Lone } : 27
All { : 29
All } : 29
Comment Lines : 15
Code Lines : 251
Functions : 5
93 Dec2Hex
130 Sph_Keccak_256
142 ImageResize
185 LoadImageFromFile
282 LoadImageFromFileEx
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:3785
Total Lines : 3785
Empty Lines : 712
.Const : 179
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 83
Comment Lines : 376
Code Lines : 2404
Functions : 21
298 Error
314 Delete_Error
336 Delete_Warning
359 MyBrowseCallbackProc
379 BrowseForFolder
428 Profile_Read
564 Profile_Write
736 DeleteFiles_Common
969 DeleteFiles
1297 CreateTheToolBar
1379 WriteToDataBase
1443 SearchFiles
1880 DeleteDuplicatedFiles
2015 DlgSortProc
2541 SortImages
2912 WmCommand
3028 WmSize
3119 WmCreate
3338 WndProc
3450 WinMain
3574 Start
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 4211
Empty Lines : 811
Lone { : 29
Lone } : 27
All { : 29
All } : 29
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 83
Comment Lines : 391
Code Lines : 2655
Functions : 26
End Functions : 21
* Possible parse error PROC & ENDP counts are unequal. *
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\Images.c
Calls under Procedure Dec2Hex
Calls under Procedure Sph_Keccak_256
Function [Dec2Hex] on line 137
Calls under Procedure ImageResize
Calls under Procedure LoadImageFromFile
Function [ImageResize] on line 241
Calls under Procedure LoadImageFromFileEx
Function [LoadImageFromFile] on line 282
Function [ImageResize] on line 370
Function [Sph_Keccak_256] on line 374
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Calls under Procedure Error
Calls under Procedure Delete_Error
Function [Error] on line 314
Calls under Procedure Delete_Warning
Calls under Procedure MyBrowseCallbackProc
Function [MyBrowseCallbackProc] on line 375
Calls under Procedure BrowseForFolder
Function [MyBrowseCallbackProc] on line 394
Function [BrowseForFolder] on line 398
Calls under Procedure Profile_Read
Calls under Procedure Profile_Write
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 736
Function [Delete_Error] on line 770
Function [Delete_Error] on line 792
Function [Delete_Error] on line 806
Function [Delete_Error] on line 844
Function [Delete_Error] on line 872
Function [Delete_Error] on line 891
Function [Delete_Error] on line 924
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1061
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1194
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1245
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1258
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1271
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1278
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1285
Calls under Procedure CreateTheToolBar
Calls under Procedure WriteToDataBase
Calls under Procedure SearchFiles
Function [LoadImageFromFile] on line 1741
Function [WriteToDataBase] on line 1768
Calls under Procedure DeleteDuplicatedFiles
Function [Error] on line 1908
Function [Error] on line 1925
Function [Error] on line 1994
Calls under Procedure DlgSortProc
Function [WmCommand] on line 2034
Calls under Procedure SortImages
Function [Error] on line 2809
Function [Error] on line 2832
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [DeleteDuplicatedFiles] on line 2927
Function [SortImages] on line 2933
Function [BrowseForFolder] on line 2944
Function [SortImages] on line 2971
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 2979
Function [DeleteDuplicatedFiles] on line 2987
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [CreateTheToolBar] on line 3151
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [WmCommand] on line 3348
Function [WmSize] on line 3351
Function [WmCreate] on line 3357
Function [WmSize] on line 3400
Function [WmCommand] on line 3408
Function [WmCreate] on line 3416
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [Error] on line 3581
Function [Profile_Read] on line 3662
Function [Error] on line 3703
Function [Error] on line 3718
Function [WinMain] on line 3741
Function [Profile_Write] on line 3743
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 4211
Empty Lines : 811
Lone { : 29
Lone } : 27
All { : 29
All } : 29
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 83
Comment Lines : 391
Code Lines : 2655
Functions : 26
End Functions : 21
* Possible parse error PROC & ENDP counts are unequal. *
3786 lines in ImgView.asm
Thank You
Oops I see one mistake, for asm I compare PROC and ENDP as a double check, but I've added both C and ASM functions together for totals.
That is why
Functions : 26 <-5 from preceding C code
End Functions : 21
* Possible parse error PROC & ENDP counts are unequal. *
Thanks for the testing! version 1.6 will fix that :)
John Z
A new version with more fixes. Fixed the end count issue. Also found the ASM parse was being fooled by labels using the same name as PROCs but with an @ in front. Well labels are not 'calls' so I've fixed that with more robust checking of the proc name. Output verified with WiW.asm. I think it is looking useful. Still considering next steps as possibly being graphic....
John Z
removed old version attachment to free upload space
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\WiW\WiW.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:2134
Total Lines : 2134
Empty Lines : 395
.Const : 10
.Data : 69
Lone Labels : 53
Comment Lines : 208
Code Lines : 1399
Functions : 16
194 EnumWindowsProc
540 EnumChildrenWindowsProc
881 CompareFunc
988 SearchWindows
1023 SearchChildrenWindows
1072 WmCommand
1137 WmSize
1176 WmSizeChildren
1218 InsertColumns
1475 WmCreateChildren
1498 CreateTheChildWindow
1543 WndChildProc
1718 WmCreate
1763 WndProc
1948 WinMain
2088 Start
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\WiW\Convert.c
Start Line:1, End Line:76
Total Lines : 76
Empty Lines : 18
Lone { : 9
Lone } : 9
All { : 9
All } : 9
Comment Lines : 3
Code Lines : 34
Functions : 3
7 Convert
28 EnableWindowsPrivilege
53 DisableWindowsPrivilege
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 2210
Empty Lines : 413
Lone { : 9
Lone } : 9
All { : 9
All } : 9
.Data : 69
Lone Labels : 53
Comment Lines : 211
Code Lines : 1433
Functions : 19
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\WiW\WiW.asm
Calls under Procedure EnumWindowsProc
Function [EnableWindowsPrivilege] on line 384
Function [DisableWindowsPrivilege] on line 462
Calls under Procedure EnumChildrenWindowsProc
Calls under Procedure CompareFunc
Function [Convert] on line 932
Function [Convert] on line 940
Calls under Procedure SearchWindows
Calls under Procedure SearchChildrenWindows
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [SearchWindows] on line 1102
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure WmSizeChildren
Calls under Procedure InsertColumns
Calls under Procedure WmCreateChildren
Function [InsertColumns] on line 1479
Function [SearchChildrenWindows] on line 1485
Calls under Procedure CreateTheChildWindow
Calls under Procedure WndChildProc
Function [CreateTheChildWindow] on line 1641
Function [WmSizeChildren] on line 1687
Function [WmCreateChildren] on line 1692
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [InsertColumns] on line 1745
Function [SearchWindows] on line 1750
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [CreateTheChildWindow] on line 1856
Function [WmSize] on line 1895
Function [WmCommand] on line 1902
Function [WmCreate] on line 1909
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [WinMain] on line 2125
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\WiW\Convert.c
Calls under Procedure Convert
Calls under Procedure EnableWindowsPrivilege
Calls under Procedure DisableWindowsPrivilege
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:4257
Total Lines : 4257
Empty Lines : 779
.Const : 184
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 102
Comment Lines : 441
Code Lines : 2720
Functions : 26
294 Error
310 Delete_Error
332 Delete_Warning
354 MyBrowseCallbackProc
374 BrowseForFolder
423 Profile_Read
559 Profile_Write
731 DeleteFiles_Common
964 DeleteFiles
1292 CreateTheToolBar
1374 WriteToDataBase
1431 SearchFiles
1862 DeleteDuplicatedFiles
1995 DlgSortProc
2521 SortImages
2890 PaintFullScreen
2919 FullScreenProc
2978 LivstViewDoubleClick
3142 PhotoFiltre
3269 EditFile
3396 WmCommand
3521 WmSize
3612 WmCreate
3817 WndProc
3918 WinMain
4059 Start
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
Start Line:1, End Line:111
Total Lines : 111
Empty Lines : 31
Code Lines : 76
Functions : 4
25 dup
32 dup
38 dup
81 dup
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 4368
Empty Lines : 810
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 102
Comment Lines : 441
Code Lines : 2796
Functions : 30
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Calls under Procedure Error
Calls under Procedure Delete_Error
Function [Error] on line 310
Calls under Procedure Delete_Warning
Calls under Procedure MyBrowseCallbackProc
Calls under Procedure BrowseForFolder
Function [MyBrowseCallbackProc] on line 389
Calls under Procedure Profile_Read
Calls under Procedure Profile_Write
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles_Common
Function [Delete_Error] on line 765
Function [Delete_Error] on line 787
Function [Delete_Error] on line 801
Function [Delete_Error] on line 839
Function [Delete_Error] on line 867
Function [Delete_Error] on line 886
Function [Delete_Error] on line 919
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1056
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1189
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1240
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1253
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1266
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1273
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1280
Calls under Procedure CreateTheToolBar
Calls under Procedure WriteToDataBase
Calls under Procedure SearchFiles
Function [WriteToDataBase] on line 1758
Calls under Procedure DeleteDuplicatedFiles
Function [Error] on line 1906
Function [Error] on line 1974
Calls under Procedure DlgSortProc
Calls under Procedure SortImages
Function [Error] on line 2788
Function [Error] on line 2810
Calls under Procedure PaintFullScreen
Calls under Procedure FullScreenProc
Function [PaintFullScreen] on line 2941
Calls under Procedure LivstViewDoubleClick
Function [Error] on line 3024
Function [Error] on line 3046
Function [Error] on line 3060
Calls under Procedure PhotoFiltre
Function [Error] on line 3192
Function [Error] on line 3206
Calls under Procedure EditFile
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 3335
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 3383
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [EditFile] on line 3433
Function [BrowseForFolder] on line 3437
Function [SortImages] on line 3464
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 3472
Function [DeleteDuplicatedFiles] on line 3480
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [CreateTheToolBar] on line 3642
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [LivstViewDoubleClick] on line 3864
Function [WmSize] on line 3874
Function [WmCommand] on line 3880
Function [WmCreate] on line 3886
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [Profile_Read] on line 4138
Function [Error] on line 4178
Function [Error] on line 4192
Function [WinMain] on line 4213
Function [Profile_Write] on line 4215
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
Function [dup] on line 25
Function [dup] on line 32
Function [dup] on line 38
Function [dup] on line 75
Calls under Procedure dup
Function [dup] on line 81
What means function [Dup]?
Your add-in is PERFECT
it is seeing '24 dup(?)' in the include files as a user defined function :(
Since the file extension is not asm it is being parsed as a C file :( mistake!
I'll see how to correct. Simplest is probably look for .inc but I'm not sure that will always be a sure thing.
Will need to ponder this a bit.
Thanks for all of your help and inputs! Gets better every time you point out the issues :( :) :)
John Z
May the problem is awith comments
I added some kinds of them
I'll double check those but I'm fairly confident I've captured them.
The reported line numbers direct me to the spots in the .inc file for example this one:
Field_Name BYTE 24 dup(?)
so it is reported as a C procedure dup ….
John Z
HTML output preview. It is created in the project directory if option selected.
Looks OK? It is in HTML5. In IE11 need to use File-Open, Firefox just dbl click. I haven't tried to send it to the embedded PellesC browser interface yet.
Also modified so that .inc is processed as an ASM file for the dup(?) issue.
Still testing so no new dll posted yet.
John Z
removed attachment to free upload space
Verified html file with (
Ok but must be converted in UTF-8
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.cStart Line:1, End Line:1408
Lone { : 77
Lone { : 125
All { : 208
All } : 206
Comment Lines: 303
Code Lines : 708
Functions : 18
74 DllMain
102 AddInMain
146 AddInCommandEx
224 PreParse
340 Parse_C
543 Parse_ASM
723 Leading_WTrim
740 Trailing_WTrim
773 CheckForContinue
824 CheckForFunction
889 UserCFunctDef
953 UsedFunction
1015 OutputFileInfo
1196 EnumProjFileCallback
1218 EnumFileCalls
1248 Extract_FName
1297 Extract_PName
1330 FlowTrace
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\HTML_Output.cStart Line:1, End Line:143
Lone { : 2
Lone { : 4
All { : 7
All } : 7
Comment Lines: 24
Continuations: 2
Code Lines : 87
Functions : 3
41 InitHTML
95 HTML_WriteOutput
137 Close_HTML
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\User_Choice.cStart Line:1, End Line:156
Lone { : 6
Lone { : 5
All { : 13
All } : 13
Comment Lines: 40
Continuations: 2
Code Lines : 75
Functions : 3
43 Show_Choice
60 ChoiceDialogProc
139 Show_Error
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Linked_list.cStart Line:1, End Line:288
Lone { : 5
Lone { : 15
All { : 29
All } : 29
Comment Lines: 124
Code Lines : 106
Functions : 5
45 Top_insert
104 InToSubList
157 Output_List
200 IsInList
264 Delete_List
*Summary results*
Lone { : 90
Lone { : 149
All { : 257
All } : 255
Comment Lines: 491
Continuations: 4
Code Lines : 976
Functions : 29
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Line_Count.c Function [Leading_WTrim] on line 41
Function [Trailing_WTrim] on line 42
Function [OutputFileInfo] on line 43
Function [CheckForContinue] on line 44
Function [Parse_C] on line 45
Function [Parse_ASM] on line 46
Function [EnumProjFileCallback] on line 47
Function [EnumFileCalls] on line 48
Function [PreParse] on line 49
Function [CheckForFunction] on line 50
Function [UserCFunctDef] on line 51
Function [UsedFunction] on line 52
Function [Extract_FName] on line 53
Function [Extract_PName] on line 54
Function [FlowTrace] on line 55
Function [Top_insert] on line 56
Function [Output_List] on line 57
Function [Delete_List] on line 58
Function [IsInList] on line 59
Function [Show_Choice] on line 60
Function [InitHTML] on line 61
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 62
Calls under Procedure DllMain
Calls under Procedure AddInMain
Calls under Procedure AddInCommandEx
Function [Show_Choice] on line 175
Function [InitHTML] on line 179
Function [Close_HTML] on line 201
Function [Delete_List] on line 204
Calls under Procedure PreParse
Function [Parse_ASM] on line 282
Function [Parse_C] on line 286
Function [OutputFileInfo] on line 313
Calls under Procedure Parse_C
Function [Leading_WTrim] on line 377
Function [Trailing_WTrim] on line 378
Function [CheckForFunction] on line 394
Function [CheckForContinue] on line 502
Calls under Procedure Parse_ASM
Function [Leading_WTrim] on line 582
Function [Trailing_WTrim] on line 583
Function [Extract_PName] on line 673
Function [Top_insert] on line 675
Function [Extract_PName] on line 681
Calls under Procedure Leading_WTrim
Calls under Procedure Trailing_WTrim
Calls under Procedure CheckForContinue
Calls under Procedure CheckForFunction
Function [UserCFunctDef] on line 862
Function [Extract_FName] on line 867
Function [Top_insert] on line 870
Calls under Procedure UserCFunctDef
Calls under Procedure UsedFunction
Function [UserCFunctDef] on line 970
Function [IsInList] on line 998
Calls under Procedure OutputFileInfo
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1047
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1056
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1065
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1075
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1085
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1094
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1103
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1112
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1121
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1130
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1139
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1148
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1157
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1158
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1173
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1174
Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 1180
Calls under Procedure EnumProjFileCallback
Function [PreParse] on line 1202
Calls under Procedure EnumFileCalls
Function [FlowTrace] on line 1224
Function [EnumProjFileCallback] on line 1242
Calls under Procedure Extract_FName
Calls under Procedure Extract_PName
Function [Trailing_WTrim] on line 1312
Calls under Procedure FlowTrace
Function [Leading_WTrim] on line 1396
Function [Trailing_WTrim] on line 1397
Function [UsedFunction] on line 1398
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\HTML_Output.cCalls under Procedure InitHTML
Calls under Procedure HTML_WriteOutput
Calls under Procedure Close_HTML
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\User_Choice.c Function [ChoiceDialogProc] on line 33
Function [Show_Error] on line 34
Calls under Procedure Show_Choice
Function [Show_Error] on line 48
Calls under Procedure ChoiceDialogProc
Function [Show_Error] on line 75
Calls under Procedure Show_Error
File name:C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\LCounter\Linked_list.c Function [HTML_WriteOutput] on line 29
Calls under Procedure Top_insert
Calls under Procedure InToSubList
Calls under Procedure Output_List
Calls under Procedure IsInList
Calls under Procedure Delete_List
Verified html file with (
Ok but must be converted in UTF-8
Thanks I'll have to check that out. HTML5 is suppose to handle UTF-8 and UTF-16. It shows in the two browser ok but maybe they are converting on the fly. I thought I was using UTF-8 …..
John Z
I tested with Operaand Edge, it was wrong.
Thanks! Attached is a new version of the html output. It opens in Firefox and Edge on my machine.
It won't auto-display (dbl clicking on it) in IE11 (I am probably one of the last 10 people still using it) but will show correctly if I use File-Open in IE 11.
If you can test in Opera It would be a great help.
Thanks so much,
John Z
Removed obsolete attachment - John Z
Ok with Opera
:) :) :) Thanks good to go for that part now.
It shows correctly in Pelles embedded browser too. Pasting the output filename into the URL.
I'll need to try a few foreign character procedures and filenames too.
I've not been able to find an API to invoke the internal browser.
I can set ADDIN_WEB_INFO as needed and AddIn_SetWebInfo(hwndDoc, &showinfo);
but this does not invoke a web window, only works if the window is already open.
The web add-in example also presupposes the WEB window is already open, and does
not work if not.
Also tried AddIn_SendIDECommand(g_hwndMain, AIC_FILE_NEWWEB);
no error but if a new web page was created it was not shown.
Maybe not possible, or maybe someone knows how?
John Z
static void Child_Web(HWND __hWnd)
register LPEDITOR _lpEditor ;
LPSTR _lpszTmp ;
int _iNumBytes ;
DWORD _dwTmp ;
CHARRANGE _Cr, _CharRange,*_lpCharRange ;
char _szSelection[1024] ;
char _szTmp[1024] ;
GETTEXTEX _Gte,*_lpGte ;
_lpEditor = (LPEDITOR) GetWindowLongPtr(__hWnd,GWLP_USERDATA) ;
if(!_lpEditor) return ;
SendMessage(_lpEditor->hEdit,EM_GETSEL,(WPARAM) &_Cr.cpMin,(LPARAM) &_Cr.cpMax) ;
if(_Cr.cpMin == _Cr.cpMax)
_dwTmp = sizeof(_szSelection) ;
AssocQueryString(0,ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE,".htm","open",_szSelection,&_dwTmp) ;
_lpszTmp = _szTmp ;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(_szTmp),_lpszTmp,"\"%s\"",_szSelection) ;
WinExec(_lpszTmp,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) ;
return ;
_lpCharRange = &_CharRange ;
_lpGte = &_Gte ;
_lpCharRange->cpMin = 0 ;
_lpCharRange->cpMax = 0 ;
SendMessage(_lpEditor->hEdit,EM_EXGETSEL,0,(LPARAM) _lpCharRange) ;
_iNumBytes = _lpCharRange->cpMax - _lpCharRange->cpMin ;
if(_iNumBytes == 0) return ;
_lpGte->cb = _iNumBytes ;
_lpGte->flags = GT_SELECTION ;
_lpGte->codepage = CP_ACP ;
_lpGte->lpDefaultChar = NULL ;
_lpGte->lpUsedDefChar = NULL ;
SendMessage(_lpEditor->hEdit,EM_GETSELTEXT,(WPARAM) _lpGte,(LPARAM) szGlobalBufferW) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS,(const wchar_t *) szGlobalBufferW,-1,szGlobalBufferA,_iNumBytes,NULL,NULL) ;
SendMessage(_lpEditor->hEdit,EM_REPLACESEL,TRUE,(LPARAM) szGlobalBufferA) ;
_dwTmp = sizeof(_szSelection) ;
AssocQueryString(0,ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE,".htm","open",_szSelection,&_dwTmp) ;
_lpszTmp = _szTmp ;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(_szTmp),_lpszTmp,"\"%s\"\"\"",_szSelection,szGlobalBufferA) ;
WinExec(_lpszTmp,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) ;
return ;
CALL PathFindExtensionA ; Get the file extension
MOV _dwTmp,SIZEOF _szTmp
MOV R9,OFFSET szVerb_Open
MOV [RSP + 20h],RSI
LEA RAX,_dwTmp
MOV [RSP + 28h],RAX
CALL AssocQueryStringA Get the file associated with the extension
LEA RDX,_szExec
MOV R8,OFFSET szFmt_FindFiles_Exec
MOV [RSP + 20h],RAX
CALL sqlite3_snprintf ; Format the string to execute
LEA RCX,_szExec
CALL WinExec ; Launch the program with the file in parameter
char szFmt_FindFiles_Exec[] = "\"%s\" \"%s\"" ;
szVerb_Open BYTE "open",0
If that can help you
Thanks. I've got C code to invoke an external browser that I wrote for vCardz_i to show vcf embedded link web pages.
I've been trying to invoke the Pelles internal browser window, and open the file there, to keep everything within the IDE.
The output html resides in the project directory too, so any double click on it should open it in the users default browser.
John Z
BTW - I tried Opera a while back. Especially wanted the VPN to work but it does not work worldwide.
I also saw an analysis that showed upon startup Opera automatically contacted double the endpoints compared to any other browser - so that bothered me a bit.
Newest version 1.7 with option for documenting the results in a HTML format file.
The filename will always be LC_output.html in the project directory. Each run overwrites the prior output.
Thanks to Sir Grincheux for testing in several browsers.
Opera, Edge, Firefox, PellesC internal browser, and yes IE11. IE11 must use File-Open, send-to for some reason blanks out.
John Z
Here is the result:
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asmStart Line:1, End Line:5609
Code Lines : 4610
Functions : 17
109 [Images]
121 CHAR
122 CHAR
128 "
301 dup
302 dup
303 dup
304 dup
305 dup
306 dup
307 dup
314 dup
315 dup
316 dup
317 dup
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm-----
created by Pelles C add-in LineCount.dll.
With this version, with the above result, LC is not useful for me. I preferred the previous one.
OH darn - what Have I done !! :-[ >:(
Sorry - Slipped up testing only C
John Z
That will teach me a lesson!
Anyway it was due to what I thought would be a quick fix for .inc files to be processes as ASM. So I fixed the fix, but also see other issues parsing some .inc and even some h files.
John Z
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:5609
Total Lines : 5609
Empty Lines : 982
.Const : 206
.Data : 32
Lone Labels : 163
Comment Lines : 637
Code Lines : 3580
Functions : 39
323 Error
339 Delete_Error
361 Delete_Warning
383 MyBrowseCallbackProc
403 BrowseForFolder
452 Profile_Read
588 Profile_Write
751 WmSize
871 DeleteFiles_Common
1104 DeleteFiles
1432 CreateTheToolBar
1514 WriteToDataBase
1569 GetCurrentFileEx
1677 GetCurrentFile
1839 SearchFiles
2269 DeleteDuplicatedFiles
2402 DlgSortProc
2928 SortImages
3297 PaintFullScreen
3342 FullScreenProc
3418 LivstViewDoubleClick
3497 LivstViewDoubleClickEx
3566 PhotoFiltre
3693 EditFile
3820 RedChannel
3901 GreenChannel
3982 BlueChannel
4063 ChannelRedProc
4139 ShowChannelRed
4247 ChannelGreenProc
4323 ShowChannelGreen
4431 ChannelBlueProc
4507 ShowChannelBlue
4614 TabControlSubClassProc
4655 WmCommand
4816 WmCreate
5036 WndProc
5255 WinMain
5427 Start
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Calls under Procedure Error
Calls under Procedure Delete_Error
Function [Error] on line 339
Calls under Procedure Delete_Warning
Calls under Procedure MyBrowseCallbackProc
Calls under Procedure BrowseForFolder
Function [MyBrowseCallbackProc] on line 418
Calls under Procedure Profile_Read
Calls under Procedure Profile_Write
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles_Common
Function [Delete_Error] on line 905
Function [Delete_Error] on line 927
Function [Delete_Error] on line 941
Function [Delete_Error] on line 979
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1007
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1026
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1059
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1196
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1329
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1380
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1393
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1406
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1413
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1420
Calls under Procedure CreateTheToolBar
Calls under Procedure WriteToDataBase
Calls under Procedure GetCurrentFileEx
Function [Error] on line 1617
Function [Error] on line 1630
Function [Error] on line 1664
Calls under Procedure GetCurrentFile
Function [Error] on line 1780
Function [Error] on line 1793
Function [Error] on line 1827
Calls under Procedure SearchFiles
Function [WriteToDataBase] on line 2166
Calls under Procedure DeleteDuplicatedFiles
Function [Error] on line 2313
Function [Error] on line 2381
Calls under Procedure DlgSortProc
Calls under Procedure SortImages
Function [Error] on line 3195
Function [Error] on line 3217
Calls under Procedure PaintFullScreen
Function [GetCurrentFileEx] on line 3317
Calls under Procedure FullScreenProc
Function [PaintFullScreen] on line 3377
Calls under Procedure LivstViewDoubleClick
Calls under Procedure LivstViewDoubleClickEx
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 3502
Calls under Procedure PhotoFiltre
Function [Error] on line 3616
Function [Error] on line 3630
Calls under Procedure EditFile
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 3759
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 3807
Calls under Procedure RedChannel
Calls under Procedure GreenChannel
Calls under Procedure BlueChannel
Calls under Procedure ChannelRedProc
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelRed
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4147
Function [WmSize] on line 4236
Calls under Procedure ChannelGreenProc
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelGreen
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4331
Function [WmSize] on line 4420
Calls under Procedure ChannelBlueProc
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelBlue
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4515
Function [WmSize] on line 4603
Calls under Procedure TabControlSubClassProc
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [LivstViewDoubleClickEx] on line 4704
Function [ShowChannelRed] on line 4710
Function [ShowChannelGreen] on line 4716
Function [ShowChannelBlue] on line 4722
Function [EditFile] on line 4728
Function [BrowseForFolder] on line 4732
Function [SortImages] on line 4759
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 4767
Function [DeleteDuplicatedFiles] on line 4775
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [CreateTheToolBar] on line 4846
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [LivstViewDoubleClick] on line 5156
Function [WmSize] on line 5215
Function [WmCommand] on line 5221
Function [WmCreate] on line 5227
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [Profile_Read] on line 5496
Function [Error] on line 5530
Function [Error] on line 5544
Function [WinMain] on line 5565
Function [Profile_Write] on line 5567
----- done -----
LineCount Results in file:
C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\LC_output.html
Like this I like
Here is the html and seems I've got some more work to do with the filename/output location too.
John Z
removed old attachments to free upload space
You can have a function in *.c module which is referenced only once but called many times in a *.asm file.
This is the case for extern functions.
Improved parsing especially for sqlite3.h, and fixed filename bug referenced above.
Still have a few false functions, for example this line
__asm__ __volatile__ (
is identified as function __volatile__, more work to do.....
John Z
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\Images.c
Start Line:1, End Line:855
Total Lines : 855
Empty Lines : 185
Lone { : 79
Lone } : 77
All { : 79
All } : 79
Comment Lines : 18
Code Lines : 486
Functions : 10
90 Dec2Hex
127 Sph_Keccak_256
139 ImageResize
182 GetBitsFromBitmapHandle
227 ImageGetBitmap
315 ImageGetThumbNails
439 LoadImageFromFile
534 LoadImageFromFileEx
668 GetBitsOfBitmap
769 PaintChannel
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Start Line:1, End Line:5934
Total Lines : 5934
Empty Lines : 1022
.Const : 216
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 174
Comment Lines : 682
Code Lines : 3800
Functions : 41
335 Error
351 Delete_Error
373 Delete_Warning
395 MyBrowseCallbackProc
415 BrowseForFolder
464 Profile_Read
609 Profile_Write
784 WmSize
904 DeleteFiles_Common
1137 DeleteFiles
1465 CreateTheToolBar
1547 WriteToDataBase
1602 GetCurrentFileEx2
1746 GetCurrentFileEx
1854 GetCurrentFile
2016 SearchFiles
2470 DeleteDuplicatedFiles
2606 DlgSortProc
3132 SortImages
3501 PaintFullScreen
3546 FullScreenProc
3622 LivstViewDoubleClick
3701 LivstViewDoubleClickEx
3783 ListViewOneClick
3839 PhotoFiltre
3966 EditFile
4093 RedChannel
4174 GreenChannel
4255 BlueChannel
4336 ChannelRedProc
4412 ShowChannelRed
4520 ChannelGreenProc
4596 ShowChannelGreen
4704 ChannelBlueProc
4780 ShowChannelBlue
4887 TabControlSubClassProc
4928 WmCommand
5092 WmCreate
5316 WndProc
5566 WinMain
5738 Start
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
Start Line:1, End Line:130
Total Lines : 130
Empty Lines : 34
Comment Lines : 1
335 Error
351 Delete_Error
373 Delete_Warning
395 MyBrowseCallbackProc
415 BrowseForFolder
464 Profile_Read
609 Profile_Write
784 WmSize
904 DeleteFiles_Common
1137 DeleteFiles
1465 CreateTheToolBar
1547 WriteToDataBase
1602 GetCurrentFileEx2
1746 GetCurrentFileEx
1854 GetCurrentFile
2016 SearchFiles
2470 DeleteDuplicatedFiles
2606 DlgSortProc
3132 SortImages
3501 PaintFullScreen
3546 FullScreenProc
3622 LivstViewDoubleClick
3701 LivstViewDoubleClickEx
3783 ListViewOneClick
3839 PhotoFiltre
3966 EditFile
4093 RedChannel
4174 GreenChannel
4255 BlueChannel
4336 ChannelRedProc
4412 ShowChannelRed
4520 ChannelGreenProc
4596 ShowChannelGreen
4704 ChannelBlueProc
4780 ShowChannelBlue
4887 TabControlSubClassProc
4928 WmCommand
5092 WmCreate
5316 WndProc
5566 WinMain
5738 Start
*Summary results*
Total Lines : 6919
Empty Lines : 1241
Lone { : 79
Lone } : 77
All { : 79
All } : 79
.Data : 31
Lone Labels : 174
Comment Lines : 701
Code Lines : 4286
Functions : 51
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\Images.c
Function [RedChannel] on line 83
Function [GreenChannel] on line 84
Function [BlueChannel] on line 85
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 86
Function [GetCurrentFileEx] on line 87
Calls under Procedure Dec2Hex
Calls under Procedure Sph_Keccak_256
Function [Dec2Hex] on line 134
Calls under Procedure ImageResize
Calls under Procedure GetBitsFromBitmapHandle
Calls under Procedure ImageGetBitmap
Function [ImageResize] on line 284
Calls under Procedure ImageGetThumbNails
Function [ImageResize] on line 384
Function [GetBitsFromBitmapHandle] on line 402
Function [Sph_Keccak_256] on line 405
Calls under Procedure LoadImageFromFile
Function [ImageResize] on line 494
Calls under Procedure LoadImageFromFileEx
Function [ImageResize] on line 612
Function [Sph_Keccak_256] on line 616
Calls under Procedure GetBitsOfBitmap
Function [ImageResize] on line 738
Calls under Procedure PaintChannel
Function [GetBitsOfBitmap] on line 796
Function [ImageResize] on line 811
Function [RedChannel] on line 815
Function [GreenChannel] on line 816
Function [BlueChannel] on line 817
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\ImgView.asm
Calls under Procedure Error
Calls under Procedure Delete_Error
Function [Error] on line 351
Calls under Procedure Delete_Warning
Calls under Procedure MyBrowseCallbackProc
Calls under Procedure BrowseForFolder
Function [MyBrowseCallbackProc] on line 430
Calls under Procedure Profile_Read
Calls under Procedure Profile_Write
Calls under Procedure WmSize
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles_Common
Function [Delete_Error] on line 938
Function [Delete_Error] on line 960
Function [Delete_Error] on line 974
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1012
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1040
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1059
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1092
Calls under Procedure DeleteFiles
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1229
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 1362
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1413
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1426
Function [Delete_Warning] on line 1439
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1446
Function [Delete_Error] on line 1453
Calls under Procedure CreateTheToolBar
Calls under Procedure WriteToDataBase
Calls under Procedure GetCurrentFileEx2
Function [Error] on line 1668
Function [Error] on line 1681
Calls under Procedure GetCurrentFileEx
Function [Error] on line 1794
Function [Error] on line 1807
Function [Error] on line 1841
Calls under Procedure GetCurrentFile
Function [Error] on line 1957
Function [Error] on line 1970
Function [Error] on line 2004
Calls under Procedure SearchFiles
Function [Error] on line 2107
Function [ImageGetThumbNails] on line 2340
Function [WriteToDataBase] on line 2370
Calls under Procedure DeleteDuplicatedFiles
Function [Error] on line 2517
Function [Error] on line 2585
Calls under Procedure DlgSortProc
Calls under Procedure SortImages
Function [Error] on line 3399
Function [Error] on line 3421
Calls under Procedure PaintFullScreen
Function [GetCurrentFileEx] on line 3521
Function [ImageGetBitmap] on line 3529
Calls under Procedure FullScreenProc
Function [PaintFullScreen] on line 3581
Calls under Procedure LivstViewDoubleClick
Calls under Procedure LivstViewDoubleClickEx
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 3706
Calls under Procedure ListViewOneClick
Function [GetCurrentFileEx2] on line 3790
Calls under Procedure PhotoFiltre
Function [Error] on line 3889
Function [Error] on line 3903
Calls under Procedure EditFile
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 4032
Function [PhotoFiltre] on line 4080
Calls under Procedure RedChannel
Calls under Procedure GreenChannel
Calls under Procedure BlueChannel
Calls under Procedure ChannelRedProc
Function [PaintChannel] on line 4371
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelRed
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4420
Function [WmSize] on line 4509
Calls under Procedure ChannelGreenProc
Function [PaintChannel] on line 4555
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelGreen
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4604
Function [WmSize] on line 4693
Calls under Procedure ChannelBlueProc
Function [PaintChannel] on line 4739
Calls under Procedure ShowChannelBlue
Function [GetCurrentFile] on line 4788
Function [WmSize] on line 4876
Calls under Procedure TabControlSubClassProc
Calls under Procedure WmCommand
Function [LivstViewDoubleClickEx] on line 4992
Function [ShowChannelRed] on line 4998
Function [ShowChannelGreen] on line 5004
Function [ShowChannelBlue] on line 5010
Function [EditFile] on line 5016
Function [BrowseForFolder] on line 5020
Function [SortImages] on line 5046
Function [DeleteFiles] on line 5052
Function [DeleteDuplicatedFiles] on line 5058
Calls under Procedure WmCreate
Function [CreateTheToolBar] on line 5122
Calls under Procedure WndProc
Function [LivstViewDoubleClick] on line 5460
Function [ListViewOneClick] on line 5471
Function [WmSize] on line 5526
Function [WmCommand] on line 5532
Function [WmCreate] on line 5538
Calls under Procedure WinMain
Calls under Procedure Start
Function [Profile_Read] on line 5823
Function [Error] on line 5857
Function [Error] on line 5871
Function [WinMain] on line 5892
Function [Profile_Write] on line 5894
File name:C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\
----- done -----
LineCount Results in file:
C:\Users\51966\Documents\Pelles C Projects\ImgView\LC_output.html
By curiosity I asked the linker to make a map file.
In many cases you addin more useful.
Timestamp is 60cca229 (Fri Jun 18 15:39:53 2021)
Preferred load address is 0000000140000000
Start Length Name Class
0001:00000000 0000ab2dH .text CODE
0002:00000000 000018e0H .rdata DATA
0002:000018e0 00000110H .xdata DATA
0003:00000000 000000b4H .pdata DATA
0004:00000000 000000b4H .idata$2 DATA
0004:000000b4 00000014H .idata$3 DATA
0004:000000c8 000003b0H .idata$4 DATA
0004:00000478 000003b0H .idata$5 DATA
0004:00000828 0000081aH .idata$6 DATA
0004:00001050 00000b58H .bss DATA
0005:00000000 0003e278H .rsrc DATA
0006:00000000 000003c8H .reloc DATA
Address Publics by Value Rva+Base Lib:Object
0001:00000000 ClearMem 0000000140001000 f ClearMem.obj
0001:00000041 CompareQSortProc 0000000140001041 f ClearMem.obj
0001:00003eb0 sph_keccak224_init 0000000140004eb0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003ec0 sph_keccak224 0000000140004ec0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003ed0 sph_keccak224_close 0000000140004ed0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003ee0 sph_keccak224_addbits_and_close 0000000140004ee0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003ef0 sph_keccak256_init 0000000140004ef0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f00 sph_keccak256 0000000140004f00 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f10 sph_keccak256_close 0000000140004f10 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f20 sph_keccak256_addbits_and_close 0000000140004f20 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f30 sph_keccak384_init 0000000140004f30 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f40 sph_keccak384 0000000140004f40 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f50 sph_keccak384_close 0000000140004f50 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f60 sph_keccak384_addbits_and_close 0000000140004f60 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f70 sph_keccak512_init 0000000140004f70 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f80 sph_keccak512 0000000140004f80 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003f90 sph_keccak512_close 0000000140004f90 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003fa0 sph_keccak512_addbits_and_close 0000000140004fa0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003fb0 Dec2Hex 0000000140004fb0 f Images.obj
0001:00004040 Sph_Keccak_256 0000000140005040 f Images.obj
0001:000040a0 ImageResize 00000001400050a0 f Images.obj
0001:00004130 GetBitsFromBitmapHandle 0000000140005130 f Images.obj
0001:00004260 ImageGetBitmap 0000000140005260 f Images.obj
0001:00004540 ImageGetThumbNails 0000000140005540 f Images.obj
0001:00004980 LoadImageFromFile 0000000140005980 f Images.obj
0001:00004c50 LoadImageFromFileEx 0000000140005c50 f Images.obj
0001:000050c0 GetBitsOfBitmap 00000001400060c0 f Images.obj
0001:000053d0 PaintChannel 00000001400063d0 f Images.obj
0001:00005780 Error 0000000140006780 f ImgView.obj
0001:000057b0 Delete_Error 00000001400067b0 f ImgView.obj
0001:000057f0 Delete_Warning 00000001400067f0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00005830 MyBrowseCallbackProc 0000000140006830 f ImgView.obj
0001:00005870 BrowseForFolder 0000000140006870 f ImgView.obj
0001:00005930 Profile_Read 0000000140006930 f ImgView.obj
0001:00005c20 Profile_Write 0000000140006c20 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006030 WmSize 0000000140007030 f ImgView.obj
0001:000061f0 DeleteFiles_Common 00000001400071f0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006500 DeleteFiles 0000000140007500 f ImgView.obj
0001:000069a0 CreateTheToolBar 00000001400079a0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006b00 WriteToDataBase 0000000140007b00 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006bd6 GetCurrentFileEx2 0000000140007bd6 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006dc9 GetCurrentFileEx 0000000140007dc9 f ImgView.obj
0001:00006f30 GetCurrentFile 0000000140007f30 f ImgView.obj
0001:00007140 SearchFiles 0000000140008140 f ImgView.obj
0001:00007880 DeleteDuplicatedFiles 0000000140008880 f ImgView.obj
0001:00007ab0 DlgSortProc 0000000140008ab0 f ImgView.obj
0001:000081f0 SortImages 00000001400091f0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008730 PaintFullScreen 0000000140009730 f ImgView.obj
0001:000087b0 FullScreenProc 00000001400097b0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008890 LivstViewDoubleClick 0000000140009890 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008990 LivstViewDoubleClickEx 0000000140009990 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008a90 ListViewOneClick 0000000140009a90 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008b90 PhotoFiltre 0000000140009b90 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008d40 EditFile 0000000140009d40 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008ee0 RedChannel 0000000140009ee0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00008f80 GreenChannel 0000000140009f80 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009020 BlueChannel 000000014000a020 f ImgView.obj
0001:000090c0 ChannelRedProc 000000014000a0c0 f ImgView.obj
0001:000091b0 ShowChannelRed 000000014000a1b0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009390 ChannelGreenProc 000000014000a390 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009480 ShowChannelGreen 000000014000a480 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009660 ChannelBlueProc 000000014000a660 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009750 ShowChannelBlue 000000014000a750 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009920 TabControlSubClassProc 000000014000a920 f ImgView.obj
0001:000099a0 WmCommand 000000014000a9a0 f ImgView.obj
0001:00009bd0 WmCreate 000000014000abd0 f ImgView.obj
0001:0000a030 WndProc 000000014000b030 f ImgView.obj
0001:0000a3a0 WinMain 000000014000b3a0 f ImgView.obj
0001:0000a620 Start 000000014000b620 f ImgView.obj
entry point at 0001:0000a620
Static symbols
0001:000000d0 keccak_core 00000001400010d0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:000039f0 keccak_close28 00000001400049f0 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003b20 keccak_close32 0000000140004b20 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003c50 keccak_close48 0000000140004c50 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00003d80 keccak_close64 0000000140004d80 f Fns_Keccak.obj
0001:00000050 keccak_init 0000000140001050 f Fns_Keccak.obj
Improvements :)
Thought I had a big problem as in Pelles C project window it shows no procs for FNS_Keccak.c in your ImgView.ppj project, but turns out there are, and LineCount is right, mostly. However LineCount shows four false functions because they are defines 'DEFCLOSE' which 'appear' as functions to it. I can improve more. attached output files in text and HTML for the entire ImgView project, 34,002 lines worth. :)
I ran your ImgView program too, screen shot attached. I do wish it would delete into the Recycle bin though. Very nice display, nice icons on the toolbar even though most inactivated. Would be great to show a tooltip when hovering over a button. Kibitzing . . . . kibitiser
John Z
removed jpg attachment to free upload space
Removed obsolete attachments - John Z
Stop John You Add-In is PERFECT. and VERY USEFUL.
I have added more options in ImgView and here is a link to it
You can sort the files
Delete one or more files
Delete duplicated files (Just modify the imgwiew.ini)
Red, Green and Blue Channels
Grey Conversions (not standard, I don't like the standards...)
Added fullscreen view (F11 or Double-Click)
Possibility to edit the file (F3) with an external editor
You can now change of folder.
You can refresh the folder (F5)
When you open a tab, double-click on it to close it
I am working on mirrors, you will laugth
I don't want to do what other programmers did before me and better than I.
To exit the fullscreen press ESCape
I advance very slowly because I very often come back to my code, add messages where there is none...
The IDE does not help me very much.
And when I solve a problem, if It could help someone I make a tuto.
There is no save option, it will become but in the last part of the project
When saving I will let the user to set a name (GetSaveFilename)
The idea is that I open the file, read it, close it and draw.
If you want to save the result give a new name or not, but it is your choice.
You will never write into the original one.
My avatar is one of the mirrors. ;D
:) Looks more like your blog page :)
One use for the Add-In is if you believe in code reuse. It is good for building an inventory list of procedures and where they can be found.
I downloaded your newest ImgView. Thanks.
I tried to close the RED tab with the X - my bad, file deleted. I did not read your instructions carefully enough, you wrote clearly "When you open a tab, double-click on it to close it". Fortunately not irreplaceable picture file. Recuva could not get it back either.....
John Z
Bug fixes and improvements to processing and procedure detection. Maybe a bit faster.
Unless bugs found no more versions unless I decide to do a graphic using the FlowTrace data. This would
show the program flow graphically. Would be a lot of work not sure if time invested would be worthwhile.
John Z
Removed obsolete attachments - John Z
I agree with you
3) API 'AddIn_GetSourceLine' throws a warning #2805: Possible violation
of strict-aliasing rules when compile is set to Level 2. No other
warnings or errors should be reported
#pragma warn(disable: 2805)
if(User is Pleased)
#pragma message("Merci JohnZ")
I am pragmatic but I like to fix all errors and warnings IF possible, pounding pragma if not.
Starting add-in #2
Thanks Sir Grincheux.
John Z
Perhaps a problem
I’ll try to reproduce. From the picture it looks like some Unicode characters in the path name.
I don’t recall right off if I coded for Unicode path/file names.
John Z
Looking at the source code it is coded to allow for Unicode filenames, so that is probably OK.
After the message box picture that you attached there should have been another
message explaining exactly what the error was. The box title should have been
"FileName Creation" if you can see that it would help.
My only thought at the moment is that a prior LC_Output.html was still open which locks
the file and would prevent opening the file again to write the new data. The utility always
writes to the same filename.
John Z
I make an other test.
These time I often use your add-in to locate the function and see if I don't call a function which is part of the previous called.
int Function_A(void)
JohnFunction() ;
return ;
int MyFunction(void)
Function_A() ;
JohnFunction() ;
Yes this is a handy feature I use quite a bit myself.
Happy it is a useful Add-In, maybe more people will try it.....
Also I like my Named Bookmarks, very useful although it is not the only one ...
John Z
Updated for Pelles C v 12.002. No code changes so just posting the DLL.
Posted here and on the initial page.
Removed obsolete attachment - John Z
Updated with Pelles C 12.00.2 small bug fix for invalid file creation error message for HTML output.
It is always created...
Just replace the DLL in the AddIns64 folder.
John Z
Removed obsolete attachment - John Z
Updated with improved procedure detection under Win11 and Pelles v12
Added reporting of the number of calls to each procedure as a report option.
John Z
Hello John, I don't Find THE ADDIN for dowloading
Hi HellOfMice,
You need more caffeine! :D ;D ;D
See attachment
John Z