Pelles C forum
Pelles C => Projects developed with Pelles C => Topic started by: John Z on August 01, 2021, 04:25:26 PM
Here is a feature packed VCF contact/address book like program written using Pelles C. In addition to using Pelles C it uses fGdiPlusFlat.h header created by Frankie for GDIPlus under C.
The program itself is under a Meg but the full package is too big to add as an attachment here (Maybe Pelles Web needs to increase the 1MB limit to 2-3MB?) so it can be found at or direct download at unzip and run nothing installed, no registry entries. Can even be run from a USB drive.
Over 9000 10,005 12,535 15730 19195 downloads across 145 147 151 158 167 countries but not very much feedback. I know the esteemed Pelles C followers are not shy about feedback. ;) Missing features, errors, etc. all welcome, just don't beat me up about my linguine code style ;(
Some features I'm proud of creating:
Ability to pin a filename and directory name to each MRU list so that they are always available even if the list is cleared or adds exceed entries causing rollover. Wouldn't mind if Pelle added this to the IDE. Very handy.
ODF spreadsheet export in two layouts. ODS can be opened by LibreOffice and EXCEL 2007 and newer.
Resizing the window, it does not use the Pelles Resizer lib but I think works fairly well. Try it with Auto Font turned on too, even full screen.
Huge help file, including context sensitive help. Help file is bigger than the exe :)
Hope it is useful,
John Z
nice :)
Hi John,
There is a bad drawing in the note box as soon as you use the bak key to correct a word.
I can't enter my e-mail.
I often use the TAB key to navigate from one field to an other, here I don't know where I am.
If you put the cursor an a edit field, it is not selected.
The newer vcard specification only references three address types Home, Work and Other so every address selection may not show data.
Ok but if you fill a home address and after select an other kind of address then go back the home address, one part is lost. Right part.
See the picture attached you will have an idea.
Thanks Sir Grincheux,
I'll check out using the backspace key, I don't recall ever trying that...... When the text looks like the picture shows, moving the scroll bar will redraw, but I know that is not optimum.
I do see in your screen shot you are not in the EDIT mode so no changes would be saved they would only be temporary. Therefore as one selected another address type the old data would be restored when selecting the address again. To actually edit or change card data the program must be in the edit mode.
Tabbing - yes, I was depending on the cursor for one to see where they are and the tabs follow the logical flow of data entry. I'll consider an option to 'select' after a tab to a field, that might satisfy both preferences users might have. Or I might make a very visible cursor ;D
Thanks for your inputs!
John Z
Update - yup Backspace key definitely suboptimum in View mode, and if no scroll bars are present no way to redraw either.
I'll also need to check backspace when in the EDIT mode too. (yee in edit mode too)
Update #2 - Very strange. It is just a standard edit box, like all the others, but with multiline enabled. When multiline disabled the backspace key works as expected as does the edit box 'redraw'/update. When multiline is enabled the backspace key action and 'redraw'/update goes haywire.
I qill test again and send you my feedback.
I qill test again and send you my feedback.
Not yet I have not come up with a solution yet ! :(
John Z
I do see in your screen shot you are not in the EDIT mode so no changes would be saved they would only be temporary.
to better distinguish between edit and view mode, disable the controls or make them read-only.
to better distinguish between edit and view mode, disable the controls or make them read-only.
Thanks Stefan- I did think about that when 'designing' but felt being able to make temporary edits for printing would be nice. Also I was thinking it would make it easier to copy a field to paste into something else. I'll ponder it some more and see if I can modify and satisfy both thoughts perhaps read-only but switchable by some keyboard trickery. Attached is an example screen shot that is in the Edit Mode. I'll admit scope creep had a role in this. The original thought was to display but not edit, then .....
Thanks for the input.
John Z
There is a bad drawing in the note box as soon as you use the bak key to correct a word.
Well finally figured out the Backspace issue. Now to see about TAB and possibly Read-Only mode.
No new version until I finish with these two items - so don't download yet :)
The risk with select all when using TAB is that it becomes very easy to accidentally delete. Of course if I make the initial screen read-only that would be solved too. Still thinking about an approach.
John Z
Here is a version to test :). It is not the full install because just the help file is bigger than this site allows to be uploaded. I'll update sourceforge after a bit more testing. This exe can just replace the one, or rename it, and put in the same directory as the prior release. Then you can try it.
Changes in
Added Toolbar button as indicator of default Read Only mode
clicking it explains how to enter Edit mode
Added TAB autoselect of a fields text, if there is any, when tabbing used.
When TAB used in Read Only mode only the 1st character is selected
When TAB used in Edit mode all text in the field is selected
Fixed display bug when using backspace or delete key in the multiline
'Extras' box.
I think this addresses most concerns and won't impact prior users when they, if they, get the new version.
John Z
Update 9/1/2021 New release live now on sourceforge.
Sorry John I had no time to test your program. :-[
Hey - no problem. I see you have been knee deep in CFE! A lot of work there. Anything as big as CFE is going to take a lot of time just for testing not even considering time to develop improvements.
Forum has been quiet since Pelle went on vacation .....;)
John Z
Yes, I saw. Yestirday I had 5 messages that I had not read, only!
I had a lot of work with my job and was very tired.
When I am retired, I drop the phone and stop the car for a long time.
Thanks Sir Grincheux!
Inspired me to make some cosmetic improvements to the vCardz_i program.
A new version is posted on SourceForge -
and implements some of your improvement suggestions, but not all :) :(
Current version 2.1.5 lifetime statistics: 10,185 downloads across 147 countries.
In case any forum member are using vCardz_i - A new version is posted on SourceForge - which was updated using Pelles C version 12. Version 3.1 has many improvements over prior.
Feedback always welcome. versions
John Z
Well I finally got everything fixed that broke when implementing the manifest for version 6.0.0 controls.
It was a surprise, but shouldn't have been I guess, that an upgrade to newer control version impacted (adversely)
the original program capabilities. Thanks Micro$oft.
Anyway version is released on SourceForge for those interested in vcf, xml, or json contact cards.
All Pelles C version 11, except the inclusion of XLSXio DLL for exporting to XLSX files. I could have written this too
as I did for ODF format ODS spreadsheet but decided to give it a try. It works well for simple output, see attachment
Found at but is also on Github at
If you find a similar vcard program that does more than mine let me know how much they charge you... :) (15K+ downloads, 155 countries)
One tip - always use the resource file to include the manifest.
John Z
Version 2.7.2 of this Swiss army knife of vcards is using Pelles C v12 and tested on Win 11.
Over 16k downloads and 161 countries (over the lifetime of course).
It is still 32 bit. Working on a 64 bit version mostly complete except for the zip portion for ODS.
Anyway if you need to do almost anything with vcards in vcf, xml, or json format try it out.
It also can create QR's from vcard data or your own entered text.
John Z
vCardz_i Version 2.7.3 of this Swiss army knife of vcards (VCF, XML and JSON) using Pelles C v12 and tested on Win 11 - includes a 64 bit version as well as 32.
New Dark Mode added. :)
John Z
vCardz_i updated to version 2.8.2 with a few new features 7/4/2024.
Executable download at
Lifetime downloads 18,010 across 166 countries :)
All just Pelles C 64 bit now.
John Z
vCardz_i updated to version 3.0.0 with new features and fixes 01/06/2025 Pelles C 64 bit
Executable download at
This is the 'Swiss army knife' of vcards (vcf, json, and xml) all versions.
Hopefully it survives WIN11 24H2
John Z