Pelles C forum
Pelles C => Bug reports => Topic started by: jurgenve on August 09, 2023, 08:36:47 PM
Got an error "Entry Point Not Found: the procedure entry point InitializeContext could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.DLL
-have already run sfc /scannow, no faults detected.
-deinstalled correctly and installed again, same result.
-other software I have has no problem at all.
-computer has pretty clean history regarding software and its use, have MATLAB, AutoCAD running without any issue.
-have no WIN7 update, to be honest, think that is a load of crap.
-used to install previous Pelles C version, without problems, updated one seems to give issues.
-hard disk is SSD, if that is of any issue.
-do not use Internet on these workstation, like I said want to keep system clean as possible.
Possible to get my hands on older Pelles C revision?
Use x86 64 bit OS.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards.
Hi jurgenve,
Welcome to Pelles C forum.
Reading your message, I didn't see any information related to the service pack level of your Windows 7 installation :
Minimum supported client Windows 7 with SP1 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Maybe, you need to update your OS as you told : no WIN7 update
Hi jurgenve,
Welcome to the forum.
I have a win 7 system that has been running PellesC version 9.
I just installed Pelles C v12.002 - it runs with no problem.
Installed fine, compiled test program, ran test program.
No error messages everything OK. So it seems you do have
some system issue.
Details of my WIN 7 system:
Windows 7 Home Premium, with service pack 1 (build 7601)
64 bit OS
Intel Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @2.2Ghz
John Z
Hi jurgenve,
After executing the command prompt, try to check if your kernel32.dll exports the API function :
D:\>cd PellesC\Bin
D:\PellesC\Bin>podump.exe /EXPORTS C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll | findstr InitializeContext
369 368 000000018003BCA0 InitializeContext
36A 369 000000018003BC80 InitializeContext2
Pelle's podump tool can list the functions exported by a DLL.
Possible to get my hands on older Pelles C revision?
I just found out you can download previous versions here:
9.0: (
10.0: (
11.0: (
However, I'm still running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, fully updated (and still receiving updates at least for Windows Defender). Never had that problem you have. I think SP1 is mandatory because Win7, like every new Windows version, was a buggy mess when it got released.
Thank you all for quick and relevant reactions.
Is being appreciated.
I will look to apply the different approaches suggested, coming next week.
One little detail, I kind of use a (cracked) WINT 7 64 bit version which I have downloaded long time ago.
Has no service pack updated.
However did come with a toolkit for bypassing the licensing.
Used to be the solution back when I was a poor student, so to speak.
Greetings form Belgium.
Have a nice weekend.
Kind regards.
However, I'm still running Win7 Ultimate 64bit, fully updated (and still receiving updates at least for Windows Defender). Never had that problem you have. I think SP1 is mandatory because Win7, like every new Windows version, was a buggy mess when it got released.
I'm also still getting defender and security update for win 7 home premium :)
John Z
Hi jurgenve,
You need to install SP1 and the following updates.
Seems still possible to download SP1.
See attachment below.
John Z
Hi jurgenve,
Here is a small command-line tool for you to clarify the situation. VerifyExport32.exe is a console application and you will find the 64-bit version of the application in the attachment, VerifyExport64.exe
The tool reports if a DLL exports a function name \ API or not.
Usgae : VerifyExport DLLname FuncName
Testing the tool on my system :
VerifyExport32 kernel32.dll InitializeContext
kernel32.dll is exporting InitializeContext
VerifyExport64 kernel32.dll InitializeContext
kernel32.dll is exporting InitializeContext
Let's try a function which is not provided by kernel32 :
VerifyExport32.exe kernel32.dll GetMemory
kernel32.dll does not export the function GetMemory
Hi jurgenve,
Did you try to update your Windows installation to solve the DLL export issue?
In meantime I did follow up on some advices.
I have only made attention to the first posts, more recent once I will take a closer look during weekend.
Attached a sniping picture form the CMD windowd where I did perform the first commands.
Seems there is indeed a (crucial error), though I have trouble translating / understanding the issue.
Will install one of the previous PellesC version and see the effect.
Regarding de SP1 update, I took a look at it and the software package "WIN7" should already been updated by SP1.
Although I can download the package as separate software and perform an update if needed.
I will post results soon as possible.
Thank you all and have a nice weekend.
Hi Jurgen,
Your command looks incorrect. After navigating to the folder C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin, you need to type :
podump.exe /EXPORTS C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll | findstr InitializeContext
Another version :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *report[] = {"%s is exporting %s","%s does not export the function %s"};
int rv;
if (argc!=3){
printf("Usage : VerifyExport DLLname FuncName\n");
return 2;
if (!hDll) {
printf("%s could not be loaded.",argv[1]);
return 3;
return rv;
Just for fun:
WIN7: InitializeContext KERNEL32.DLL error
So you can get that error with Windows 7 SP1 too ;)