Pelles C forum
Assembly language => Assembly discussions => Topic started by: Vortex on October 20, 2024, 11:20:43 AM
Here is a simple batch build file creator for 32-bit projects.
Usage : MakeBat srcfile.asm [subsystem]
Subsystem is cons or gui
Let's assume that we would like to create a batch file to assemble Test.asm , a console application project :
MakeBat.exe Test.asm cons
Output Build.bat :
\PellesC\bin\poasm /AIA32 Test.asm
\PellesC\bin\polink /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE Test.obj
New version offering a switch to specify the architecture, 32-bit or 64-bit :
MakeBat tool creating batch build file
Version 1.1
Usage : MakeBat srcfile.asm [subsystem] [architecture 32 or 64]
Subsystem is cons or gui
Just make an Add_in for it ;)
An assembler examples for Assembly language - Assembly discussions section, good to read even don't care about cmd-files ;)
Thank Vortex, I use they certainly are better than mines :)