Pelles C forum

C language => Expert questions => Topic started by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 03:19:35 AM

Title: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 03:19:35 AM
I did a lot of programming 3-4 years ago. I had no problems at all.
Now when I'm going to resume programming again I get in all my previous programs and the new one I'm trying to compile Error code: -1073741819
What is wrong?

Could the error be due to the fact that I programmed in 32 bit in version 8 and a while ago updated to v11?

I last used v10 and it worked fine. Why am I getting error code -1073741819 now?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 10, 2024, 10:47:04 AM
Hi alderman2,

The latest releaase of Pelles C is v12 :

Could you be more specific? Why type of project in the Pelles IDE is reporting that error message?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 10:51:07 AM
Hi alderman2,

The latest releaase of Pelles C is v12 :

Could you be more specific? Why type of project in the Pelles IDE is reporting that error message?
A few months ago I programmed in 32bit without problems in v10.
Have installed v11 since then.
Now when I would continue to program it fails to compile, I get the error message -1073741819
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 10, 2024, 11:02:58 AM
Hi Alderman2,

I appreciate your frustration but repeating the error code without more information is not going to
help us, help you.  Many of us transitioned from earlier versions as well as V10 to V11 to V12 without issue.

So to help we need to know a bit more detail.  It would really help if you could post the project that
is giving you difficulty.. Pelles C under the 'Project' menu item has a method to zip the necessary files.

If you can't do that then some more information would still be helpful for example are any obj files created at all?

Have you tried doing a complete new install?  Remove the old version completely and reinstall version 12.

Have you tried installing Version 10 again and does it then all still work as it did years ago?

Be sure every C source file ends in an extra line feed at the end of the file....

Try deleting the 'project'.tag file - It will be recreated automatically.

Can you post just the ppj file ? We might see an error in it.

Help us help you,

John Z

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 10, 2024, 11:42:31 AM
Hi alderman2,

You can try to recreate the project in the IDE while preserving the source files. Copy your files to a safe location before removing the project folder.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 10, 2024, 11:50:21 AM
If someone pack Pelles C forder to zip package, it can be used later with -xml option too.
It is possible to use it with -x -xml options same time with others.

-1073741819 = FFFFFFFFC0000005
C0000005  is memory Access Violation

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 01:09:05 PM
I have tested all my previous projects and get the same error message without changing anything at all.
I'm going to reinstall v10 (which I tried before) and see if it works then.

# PROJEKTFIL genererad av "Pelles C for Windows, version 10.00".

!if "$(POC_PROJECT_MODE)" == "Release"
CC = pocc.exe#
AS = poasm.exe#
RC = porc.exe#
LINK = polink.exe#
SIGN = posign.exe#
CCFLAGS = -std:C11 -Tx86-coff -Ot -Ob1 -fp:precise -W0 -Gz -Ze -Zx -openmp -Go -Gn -DWIN32_DEFAULT_LIBS#
LINKFLAGS = -subsystem:windows -machine:x86 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp.lib#
SIGNFLAGS = -timeurl: -location:CU -store:MY -errkill#
INCLUDE = $(PellesCDir)\Include\Win;$(PellesCDir)\Include#
LIB = $(PellesCDir)\Lib\Win;$(PellesCDir)\Lib#
!elseif "$(POC_PROJECT_MODE)" == "Debug"
CC = pocc.exe#
AS = poasm.exe#
RC = porc.exe#
LINK = polink.exe#
SIGN = posign.exe#
CCFLAGS = -std:C11 -Tx86-coff -Ot -Ob1 -fp:precise -W0 -Gz -Ze -Zx -openmp -Go -Gn -DWIN32_DEFAULT_LIBS -Zi#
ASFLAGS = -AIA32 -Gz -Zi#
LINKFLAGS = -subsystem:windows -machine:x86 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp.lib -debug -debugtype:po#
SIGNFLAGS = -timeurl: -location:CU -store:MY -errkill#
INCLUDE = $(PellesCDir)\Include\Win;$(PellesCDir)\Include#
LIB = $(PellesCDir)\Lib\Win;$(PellesCDir)\Lib#
!error "Unknown mode."

# Bygg Printback.exe.
Printback.exe: \
   output\Printback.obj \
   $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -out:"$@" $**

# Bygg Printback.obj.
output\Printback.obj: \
   Printback.c \
   ..\_ASSETC_\_ac_define.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_ButtonSimpleCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_ButtonSimpleGrayed_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_ButtonSimpleUnGrayed_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_CheckBoxCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_CheckBoxGetState_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_ClockGetLocalTime_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_DialogBoxDialog_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_DialogBoxMono_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxCreateFont_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxGetText_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxGrayed_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxOpenText_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxSaveText_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxSetFont_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxSetText_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_EditBoxUnGrayed_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileErase_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileFolderCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileGetByteSize_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileGetCharSize_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileGetStorage_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileSetStorage_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FileSetStorageAppend_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_FlowSetOnOff_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicCreateTextFont_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicMemoryCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicMemoryPaste_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicMemorySelect_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicSetDC_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicSetLine_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicSetTextOut_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_GraphicSetTextOutNummerical_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_InternetDownloadFile_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_ProgramExecute_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_RandomNumber_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringAppend_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringCompare_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringCopy_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringGetByteSize_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringGetCharSize_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringnumDoubleToString_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringnumIntToString_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_StringnumStringToInt_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowCreate_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowGetActive_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowMain_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowMainGetArgument_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowSetBackGroundColor_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowSetBackGroundColorFade_1.h \
   ..\_ASSETC_\ac_WindowSetCenterPos_1.h \
   $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"

# Bygg Printback.res.
output\Printback.res: \
   Printback.rc \
   ..\_ASSETC_\_ac_Resurce_1.h \
   $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"




Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 01:34:39 PM
When I first compile I get the error -1073741819. Then I do it one more time and then it works. So I get an exe file that starts as usual:

1- Changes in the code

2- Compiling:
Project build started
Project build ended in complete failure
Building template.obj.
*** Error code: -1073741819 ***

2- Drive (Or 'start', not sure what it's called in English, has Swedish translation)
Project build started
Project build ended successfully

The exe file starts with the changes I made

Slightly OT, how do I get an email when someone has replied in the thread

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 10, 2024, 01:53:49 PM
You can try to disable Add-Ins to eliminate them.

From profile -> Notifications are options for emails.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 10, 2024, 03:50:58 PM
In addition to TimoVJL suggestion to disable Add-ins -

Also turn on the verbose setting under Project Options - each section
Resource Compiler

Set Compiler to Level 2

Set under Code Generation Optimizations NONE

restart everything to the point that it is the first compile then compile it, look in the verbose log for issues

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 07:50:34 PM
Thanks, I'll try this (also about emails when someone has replied)!
Will report back on how it went!
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 10, 2024, 07:56:07 PM
In hexadecimal the code is FFFFFFFFC0000005
Have you tried to search in this way? (
or (

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 08:24:16 PM
Did as you wrote, no difference.
Works after twice "runs" (thus clicking twice on the button with the triangular arrow).
However, I received some warnings about errors in the code that I did not receive before on the first "Run".
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 08:25:34 PM
In hexadecimal the code is FFFFFFFFC0000005
Have you tried to search in this way? (
or (

Must do this!
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 10, 2024, 09:04:09 PM
The first link doesn't seem to apply to me. It's about blue screen, I don't get that. The information about FFFFFFFFC0000005 was not handled in the test that person did (as I understand it).

TimoVJL answers under the link
"I use 32-bit poide.exe to debug 32-bit programs."

My programs are kompile in 32bit (use my own library with more than 800 functions and can't bear to convert them to 64bit right now).
I am currently using v11 but previously when it worked v10.
I read that v8 is the last version with support for 32bit. But I have compiled in v10 with 32bit and it worked. Now I have v11, it also works but I have to either "compile + run" or "run" twice. The first time I get warnings and Error code: -1073741819, the second time the program starts without problems.
I can work like this, it works, but I'm just wondering why this error suddenly appeared without changing anything except installing v11.
- Could it be due to a difference between v10 and v11?
- Could it be something to do with me compiling 32bit but v11 has problems with it
- Could it be related to v11 using 64bit to debug 32bit?

From v9 it says a little cryptically:
"For 64-bit Windows 7/8/10 host, targeting 32-bit or 64-bit Windows Vista/7/8/10."
Does that mean they can compile 31bit and 64bit?

I have also seen that v8 is the last version for 32bit.
How should it actually be? I'm wondering because the error I'm getting might be due to 32bit compilation in v11.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 10, 2024, 09:37:01 PM
Hi Alderman2,

You have misunderstood the version 8 information. Version 8 was the last version where there were separate programs for 32 bit and 64 bit and separate SDKs for each.

Starting in version 9 it was all done in one executable. All versions after 8 are one program to which can make either32 bit or 64 bit programs

When you  started an old v10 program under version 11 or 12 didn’t it ask if it should upgrade the ppj? I think I recall it should.  I notice the one you posted still says v10  Verified no .ppj change version 11 ppj still says version 10.

If all else above fails then find the smallest project that does not work correctly in version 11 zip it and post it.  Running on a different computer can help to see if it is source code, Pelles Install, or something perhaps with your computer.

John Z

Try this Hello_World program on your computer in V11.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 10, 2024, 09:56:17 PM
compile program without optimisatios and without debug info
try to run it alone and in debugger
we like to know what is relevant for searching problem.

this might be real error code:
ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled

also OllyDbg can give own error messages and point error, if it is in executable
OllyDbg (
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 11:14:56 AM
Hi Alderman2,

You have misunderstood the version 8 information. Version 8 was the last version where there were separate programs for 32 bit and 64 bit and separate SDKs for each.

Starting in version 9 it was all done in one executable. All versions after 8 are one program to which can make either32 bit or 64 bit programs

When you  started an old v10 program under version 11 or 12 didn’t it ask if it should upgrade the ppj? I think I recall it should.  I notice the one you posted still says v10  Verified no .ppj change version 11 ppj still says version 10.

If all else above fails then find the smallest project that does not work correctly in version 11 zip it and post it.  Running on a different computer can help to see if it is source code, Pelles Install, or something perhaps with your computer.

John Z

Try this Hello_World program on your computer in V11.
Thanks for the clarification on the role of the different versions 32bit and 64bit.
I could zip my template that I use to start new programming with. The problem is that I am using my own library of files that do not follow the correct standard. The reason is that I started building the library for my Amiga 500 in 1986. Converted this to PC in 1992 and have since built on the library and is now up to more than 800 functions. I've never had time to convert everything to the correct system. But it has always worked without problems except with 64bit. I have to redo a couple of hundred files there when I switch to 64 bit.
Well, I'll try to separate the files out of the library so it works without the whole library, zip it and upload it here. May take some time though.
Take the opportunity to thank you for your kindness in helping, that is rare these days on the internet.

I'm bad at English but I hope you understand what I write. I can also misunderstand text because of this.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 11:17:12 AM
compile program without optimisatios and without debug info
try to run it alone and in debugger
we like to know what is relevant for searching problem.

this might be real error code:
ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled

also OllyDbg can give own error messages and point error, if it is in executable
OllyDbg (
I used the debug before but stopped because I don't think it worked very well. But I'll give it another chance later.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 11:54:10 AM
I use the debugger for my C and ASM programs it is very useful.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 12:42:50 PM
OK, I'll try again to use it as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 12:45:58 PM
I used a program, Disk Monitor, which shows pocc.exe crashing:
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 12:47:34 PM
Attaching the dump file from Windows:
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 12:52:02 PM
Do you know which line or which instruction in your source code make pocc to crash ?
We could verify with our different Windows versions and POCC versions.

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 12:57:05 PM
Take the opportunity to thank you for your kindness in helping, that is rare these days on the internet.

I'm bad at English but I hope you understand what I write. I can also misunderstand text because of this.

Your are welcome - many helpful people here  :),  2nd language or perhaps your 3rd or 4th - you are doing fine!

Please try the project I attached above it will be good to check that Pelles C is working ok with a known good, but simple window program.  If it works it would remove one uncertainty.

A thought -
Since Swedish is native language for you I'm wondering if your code contains Swedish language ?
When you open a source file does the TAB show 'filename' (UTF-8), or perhaps (UTF-16)?  There was a change I believe in support for code pages, I'm not sure when.  Now source code files can have a BOM to identify the encoding.

John Z

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 12:57:49 PM
No, I don't know that!

I am now attaching a template program that I always use as a starting point when I create new programs. It has been adapted to run outside of my library. I include more than necessary to have it in place if I need it. Apologies for not always following the correct standard of C programming.
Unfortunately, my notes are in Swedish, but I hope it still works:
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 12:59:19 PM
John wants to learn Swedish!
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 01:06:04 PM
No, I don't know that!

I am now attaching a template program that I always use as a starting point when I create new programs. It has been adapted to run outside of my library. I include more than necessary to have it in place if I need it. Apologies for not always following the correct standard of C programming.
Unfortunately, my notes are in Swedish, but I hope it still works:


I've grabbed it and will try it out as best i can.  I'm not very experienced using templates...

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 01:08:00 PM
With this file it is not possible to help you.

Do you need OpenMP?
Do you need all the include files?
Maybe all the include insertion can cause a problem when compiling
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 11, 2024, 01:08:35 PM
That example didn't have any problems with Pelles C version 12.
What kind of virus scanner is in a your system ?

DeepL can always translate normal text, not always language dialects.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 01:11:21 PM
I concur with TimoVJL,

Compiled without error.  Program ran and made the window.  Pelles C v12.

I'll try V11 shortly.....

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 01:11:57 PM
Take the opportunity to thank you for your kindness in helping, that is rare these days on the internet.

I'm bad at English but I hope you understand what I write. I can also misunderstand text because of this.

Your are welcome - many helpful people here  :),  2nd language or perhaps your 3rd or 4th - you are doing fine!

Please try the project I attached above it will be good to check that Pelles C is working ok with a known good, but simple window program.  If it works it would remove one uncertainty.

A thought -
Since Swedish is native language for you I'm wondering if your code contains Swedish language ?
When you open a source file does the TAB show 'filename' (UTF-8), or perhaps (UTF-16)?  There was a change I believe in support for code pages, I'm not sure when.  Now source code files can have a BOM to identify the encoding.

John Z
I use Swedish in the code but not specific Swedish characters.

I tested your program, it worked fine, no errors at all!
Maybe I should go back to the original code to open a window. I use essentially the same code but embedded in a different code.
I'm guessing that between v10 and v11 something has changed so that some code in my files is not working correctly.
The strange thing is that it always works the second time I click "Run".
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 01:15:03 PM
That example didn't have any problems with Pelles C version 12.
What kind of virus scanner is in a your system ?

DeepL can always translate normal text, not always language dialects.
I use Comodo. I get the same error when I turn off Comodo.

If the code works for you, maybe v11 is at fault.
I would like to update to v12, but then I get English text. Is it also available in Swedish?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 01:17:09 PM
I concur with TimoVJL,

Compiled without error.  Program ran and made the window.  Pelles C v12.

I'll try V11 shortly.....

John Z
Glad my code works, must be wrong with me then or v11.
I'm going away for a while now, I'll be back tonight.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 01:24:34 PM
I think that Timo is right
Stop your antivirus
run your program it must run at the first time

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 01:27:10 PM

Glad my code works, must be wrong with me then or v11.
I'm going away for a while now, I'll be back tonight.

Works in V11 - Compiles, and runs.

Good news - and bad news .... looking like install or system issue.

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: frankie on December 11, 2024, 01:38:20 PM
See. (
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 01:46:44 PM
Hi Alderman2

The strange thing is that it always works the second time I click "Run".

Can you clarify this?  When you "click RUN" the second time does Pelle C show it is again compiling the program before it 'runs' or does the exe just run?  Just want to be sure.

After the first "run" which appears to fail have you looked into the project directory to see if a new .exe was actually still created?

After clicking 'RUN" second time can you go into the project directory, and click the exe and it runs?

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 01:49:43 PM
Avast proceeds like this.
You launch your program, it analyze it and very often it kills the program
If no virus detected the second time it runs.

I have a problem with asm language and avast it deletes my program after link.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 02:00:46 PM
I would like to update to v12, but then I get English text. Is it also available in Swedish?

Yes Version 12 supports Swedish. Click "Additional Translations" during setup.

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 11, 2024, 02:25:46 PM
Hi, just to let you know: this morning I updated my Windows version (11 Home, 24H2) and now I get exactly this error. I changed nothing in the program I was working on. I also ran the test of Alderman; in the 'release' compilation mode I do NOT get the error, but in the 'debug' compilation mode I do. So now instead of pushing F5 just once, I now need to do it for every source file. It is not a big problem, but a bit annoying.

My virusscanner does not detect anything in my program so that is not the issue. Virusscanner was worried about the mall.exe of Alderman.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 02:28:56 PM
Hi iwrbc,

Can you try again after disabling ALL ADD-INs?  Could you also try the Hello project I attached previously, maybe turn on DEBUG for it too??

John Z

@ Alderman2
 Are you on windows 24H2 (which is now rolling out to all users)
I'm on 23H2 currently.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 02:37:10 PM
I have read bad news about this update
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 11, 2024, 02:38:07 PM
Thanks for your response. When I disable all add-ins, the error persists. Also after restarting. Using Pelles C V11, by the way.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 02:39:50 PM
And you disable the virus scanner?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 11, 2024, 02:45:15 PM
Initial results were with virusscanner on, but now I also tried with virusscanner disabled. Same result.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 02:45:59 PM
Thanks for your response. When I disable all add-ins, the error persists. Also after restarting. Using Pelles C V11, by the way.

Thanks for that test.  Please try Hello_World with and without debug if you have time - I think that will be fairly definitive...

Unfortunately if it is due to 24H2 there is no way to stop getting it.  Pelles V12 will need to be tested in 24H2.

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 11, 2024, 02:53:56 PM
Interesting. When I compile Hello world, I now get the error in release compilation mode as well. So yes, probably something in 24H2 :(
Thnx anyway
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 02:55:22 PM
As you can see all runs well and the MS antivirus is running.
Did you updated your antivirus?

Power off your computer, Power on and retry or wait for Christmas...
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 03:02:57 PM
Interesting. When I compile Hello world, I now get the error in release compilation mode as well. So yes, probably something in 24H2 :(
Thnx anyway

Wow - could be bad news.

If you'd like you might try playing with the settings under  Windows Security - App & browser control: Exploit protection, App & browser control and Smart App Control.  The last one I turn OFF.

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 03:06:48 PM
Is there a sandbox with your antivirus?
If yes try to run your program into it.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 03:29:56 PM
Hi Alderman2

The strange thing is that it always works the second time I click "Run".

Can you clarify this?  When you "click RUN" the second time does Pelle C show it is again compiling the program before it 'runs' or does the exe just run?  Just want to be sure.

After the first "run" which appears to fail have you looked into the project directory to see if a new .exe was actually still created?

After clicking 'RUN" second time can you go into the project directory, and click the exe and it runs?

John Z

First method:
1. I change something in the code before triggering a compilation.
2. I click the "Run" button.
3. The program doesn't work, gets that error message down in the left field.
4. I click the "Run" button again and the program with changes starts.

Second method:
1. I change something in the code before triggering a compilation (changing the printout "Hello World" to something else).
2. I click the "Run" button.
3. The program doesn't work, gets that error message down in the left field.
4. I go into the folder and click start the program (the exe file that was created)
5. The program starts but has not been changed according to point 1
6. I click the "Run" button again.
7. The program starts and the change I made under point 1 is visible (Hello other World).
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 03:32:16 PM
I would like to update to v12, but then I get English text. Is it also available in Swedish?

Yes Version 12 supports Swedish. Click "Additional Translations" during setup.

John Z
Very good!
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 03:36:22 PM
Hi Alderman2,

Appreciate the testing, rules out false error.

Could you reply with your Windows version?  Are you on 24H2?

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 03:40:10 PM
Hi iwrbc,

Can you try again after disabling ALL ADD-INs?  Could you also try the Hello project I attached previously, maybe turn on DEBUG for it too??

John Z

@ Alderman2
 Are you on windows 24H2 (which is now rolling out to all users)
I'm on 23H2 currently.
Yes, I have 24H2.

The error is in ntdll.dll!
I started the Windows Logbook and found this:
- System

  - Provider

   [ Name]  Application Error
   [ Guid]  {a0e9b465-b939-57d7-b27d-95d8e925ff57}
   EventID 1000
   Version 0
   Level 2
   Task 100
   Opcode 0
   Keywords 0x8000000000000000
  - TimeCreated

   [ SystemTime]  2024-12-11T13:43:26.0642833Z
   EventRecordID 8973
  - Execution

   [ ProcessID]  3724
   [ ThreadID]  1816
   Channel Application
   Computer xxx-GRUPPEN
  - Security

   [ UserID]  S-1-5-21-1525878424-2487174922-2785363696-1001

- EventData

  AppName pocc.exe
  AppTimeStamp 610fc5da
  ModuleName ntdll.dll
  ModuleVersion 10.0.26100.2454
  ModuleTimeStamp 7cb6b6a8
  ExceptionCode c0000005
  FaultingOffset 0000000000015b4b
  ProcessId 0x22d4
  ProcessCreationTime 0x1db4bd2a6d0f39b
  AppPath C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\pocc.exe
  ModulePath C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  IntegratorReportId dea5a331-15b1-4748-b923-7bc87d3f68b2
There are ways to repair/replace ntdll.dll but this seems to be the update to 24H2 that is causing Pelles-C to fail.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 03:48:58 PM
Hi Alderman2,

Appreciate the testing, rules out false error.

Could you reply with your Windows version?  Are you on 24H2?

John Z
But wait now!
When I test your little program I didn't get any error before. But when I change a bit in that code I get the error there too.

Has anyone tested v12 in Windows 24H2?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 11, 2024, 03:50:02 PM
For the time being I downgraded to 23H2. It works like a charm again.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 03:50:41 PM
Thanks Alderman2, and iwrbc !

Well that is really bad news.  Still - need to try V12 under 24H2....

If V12 does the same it is going to a problem going forward.
I guess the somewhat ok new is doing it twice seems to do

I don't think there is any hope of a Pelles version past V12....

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 03:51:07 PM
Initial results were with virusscanner on, but now I also tried with virusscanner disabled. Same result.
Same with me, same error with the virus program turned off!
I think we can establish that the fault lies with Win 24H2.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Marco on December 11, 2024, 06:19:15 PM
Hi Alderman2,

Just yet another attempt. Have you tried running the ide in compatibility mode?

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 11, 2024, 06:23:21 PM
pocc.exe have problems with Window 11 ?
So test all programs individually and tell results.

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 06:55:33 PM
Hi Alderman2,

Just yet another attempt. Have you tried running the ide in compatibility mode?

Yes, but only pocc.exe.
I got a message that something is wrong, can't remember the message but think it was something about all files having to have the same compatibility.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 11, 2024, 07:01:03 PM
I searched online to see if others have the same problem. I found a lot about it but several of them have much worse problems, they get a blue screen when they try to play certain games, for example all Ubisoft's games have problems.
Microsoft is aware of the problem and is blocking all computers from upgrading that have certain games installed. I read that many people are waiting for an update from Microsoft so they can continue playing their games.

According to MS, only computers with newer series of Intel processors experience this problem.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 11, 2024, 08:50:30 PM
pocc.exe have problems with Window 11 ?
So test all programs individually and tell results.

Let's be a bit careful - It is not every version of windows 11.  I have been running Pelles C on Windows 11 for as long as Windows 11 has been available.  I have never had any issues with it running C. 

Now Windows 11 24H2 is being pushed out and that is the one that seems to have the issue. 

John Z

We need someone to test poasm in Windows 11 24H2 - it may or may or may not be affected -

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 11, 2024, 09:06:49 PM
Windows 11 24H2 is very new. I started to test it at work, hopefully the next Windows updates will improve this new release of Windows 11.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 11, 2024, 09:14:00 PM
Try with this program

This is an assembly prgram which does nothing else than about and exit
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 12, 2024, 03:46:52 AM
I use Windows 11 24H2 and Pelles-C v11:

First Run:
Building EditSkeleton.obj.
*** Error code: -1073741819 ***

Second Run:
Bygger EditSkeleton.exe.
POLINK: varning: Omjusterade sektionen '.idata$5' i objektet 'SQLite3.lib(SQLite3.dll)' (från 4 till 8 byte).
POLINK: varning: Omjusterade sektionen '.idata$4' i objektet 'SQLite3.lib(SQLite3.dll)' (från 4 till 8 byte).
POLINK: varning: Omjusterade sektionen '.idata$2' i objektet 'libgfl.lib(libgfl340.dll)' (från 4 till 1 byte).
And it boots up, looks nice with the buttons!
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 12, 2024, 03:50:55 AM
Windows 11 24H2 is very new. I started to test it at work, hopefully the next Windows updates will improve this new release of Windows 11.
Yes, I think we should calm down a bit, apparently they are working on a patch.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 03:58:03 AM
Sorry, with me it works fine.
I hope there will be an update very quickly.
For every major update that MS does there are big problems, it was the same with release 22
Have a good day

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 12, 2024, 11:13:27 AM
pocc.exe have problems with Window 11 ?

So the news that assembly has the same issue points to either the IDE GUI or the linker not pocc.exe IMO. 
Of course running POCC and POLINK from the command line to build a small program on a 24H2 platform would be definitive.

I consider this a bit of good news if the issue 'just' resides in the IDE..... Has V12 been tested on 24H2 ?

Push off the upgrade to 24H2 as long as possible.....maybe it will get an accidental fix

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 12, 2024, 12:34:17 PM
Still not seen list of files that works in Windows 11 24H2.
If polink have problems, another version might work.
It is possible to have several Pelles C version in system.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 12:44:38 PM
Nobody can say it is the linker that creates the fault, it can be the compiler.
If he recompiles his program and link it with gcc, if it is windows that creates the error, the error will persist.
If the program does not crash it is Pelle that has a bug. I should be surprised
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 12, 2024, 02:59:50 PM
On Windows 11 2024 H2, trying to build a simple console application reported the same error message, report of the IDE :

Code: [Select]
Building test.obj.
*** Error code: -1073741819 ***

EDIT : Operating on the command prompt, I can build the project with pocc and polink. It looks like that the IDE does not cooperate well with Win11 2024 H2.

Version : Pelles C v12
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on December 12, 2024, 03:03:01 PM
Hi Vortex,

Thanks for continuing testing!

For completeness can you add the version of Pelles C  V11 or V12 ?

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 03:05:30 PM
Hi Timo,

What if building giving the cmdlines under powershell?

Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 12, 2024, 03:07:47 PM
The IDE can compile C code without issues. It's the linking step causing the issue.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 03:09:10 PM
No Problem in Debug mode ;D
OK in Release mode  :P
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 03:18:34 PM
I join the project and the hardcopy of my windows and Pelle's versio
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on December 12, 2024, 06:01:43 PM
The IDE can compile C code without issues. It's the linking step causing the issue.
If pocc.exe works, it is a good thing for us.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 06:10:11 PM
I made another test directly under powershell no problem because in my previous tests I launched the console program from POEdit.
I think that W11 R24 has a problem :-[
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: Vortex on December 12, 2024, 07:14:12 PM
How does Pelles IDE executes the linker Polink? If I am not wrong, it must be CreateProcess. Maybe, something changed in this Win32 API function.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on December 12, 2024, 07:28:21 PM

Hi Vortex.

In this case one must try directly under powershell with a batch file as you do for your programs
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: alderman2 on December 12, 2024, 07:39:41 PM
I join the project and the hardcopy of my windows and Pelle's versio
If your Windows is displayed, you have version 23H2. That version I had no problems with Pelles, only with 24H2 I have problems.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: iwrbc on December 12, 2024, 09:06:37 PM
The IDE can compile C code without issues. It's the linking step causing the issue.
Interesting. I was working on a project with several source files, and after compilation of each file, the error occurred in my case. So clearly the issue was in the compiler as well.
I went back to 23H2 so I can not test other combinations anymore.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on January 13, 2025, 12:21:43 AM
Since we meet this error in Pelle's compiler and assembler in my case, it creates errors in NotePad++. I submit a bug report to NotePad++ team. I am asking to myself if I left Pelle's tools for MASM64 or WASM or UASM; I hesitate again. There are tools I don't like in Pelle's and the way Pelle let us falling make me thinking that that could be the best choice. If it is a real bug in POCC or in POASM or in POLINK, it will never be corrected. PO tools are finished.

Philippe RIO
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: John Z on January 13, 2025, 03:33:56 AM
I thought I read somewhere MASM used at least one of Pelles po....exe.  Is that affecting MASM, or was just an option to use?

John Z
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on January 13, 2025, 06:01:47 AM
masm32 have some Pelles C 6.5032-bit tools, as those still support CV-debug info.
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on January 13, 2025, 06:03:33 AM
Since we meet this error in Pelle's compiler and assembler in my case, it creates errors in NotePad++. I submit a bug report to NotePad++ team. I am asking to myself if I left Pelle's tools for MASM64 or WASM or UASM; I hesitate again. There are tools I don't like in Pelle's and the way Pelle let us falling make me thinking that that could be the best choice. If it is a real bug in POCC or in POASM or in POLINK, it will never be corrected. PO tools are finished.

Philippe RIO
I can live without Windows 11 24H2, but not without Pelles C  :P
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: HellOfMice on January 13, 2025, 07:11:27 AM
I used the M option to see if there was a problem with one file other than my source file, but no. It seems that the problem is with the final one. I made tests under powershell and I have not the error code. I just have a problem with a file it does not find. It is just an option in pocc that I have not set I think.

Here is my cmd file:

@echo off
CD "C:\Users\51966\Documents\# Asm & C #\# Assembleur #\Awpe"
echo *********************
echo *** DEBUG VERSION ***
echo *********************
REM INCLUDE = "C:\Program Files\PellesC\Include\Win;C:\Program Files\PellesC\Include"
REM LIB = -LIBPATH "C:\Program Files\PellesC\Lib\Win64;C:\Program Files\PellesC\Lib"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\poasm.exe" -AAMD64 -Zi -Gz -Fo"Asm Library.obj" "Asm Library.asm"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\poasm.exe" -AAMD64 -Zi -Gz -Fo"AwPe.obj" "AwPe.asm"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\poasm.exe" -AAMD64 -Zi -Gz -Fo"Display Data Directories.obj" "Display Data Directories.asm"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\poasm.exe" -AAMD64 -Zi -Gz -Fo"PE Toolkit.obj" "PE Toolkit.asm"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\pocc.exe" -Tx64-coff -std:C2X -Zi -Ot -Ob1 "Create_DlgDataDirectories.c" -I"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Include\Win;C:\Program Files\PellesC\Include" -fp:precise -W1 -Gr -Ze -Zx -GX -J -Fo"Create_DlgDataDirectories.obj"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\porc.exe" -N -r "Awpe.rc" -Fo"Awpe.res"
"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Bin\polink.exe" -LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\PellesC\Lib\Win64;C:\Program Files\PellesC\Lib" -machine:x64 -debug -debugtype:po -subsystem:windows -map -release -largeaddressaware kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp64.lib -out:"Awpe.exe" "Asm Library.obj" "AwPe.obj" "Awpe.res" "Create_DlgDataDirectories.obj" "Display Data Directories.obj" "PE Toolkit.obj"
echo ***************************
echo *** PROJET READY TO RUN ***
echo ***************************

and the result is joint to my post

When I use the debugger it creates problems with NotePad++ and others, I already have lost many files.
I hate Microsoft tools, with Pelle's tools what I like is to have all what I need but who will make corrections?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: TimoVJL on January 13, 2025, 07:56:55 AM
When I use the debugger it creates problems with NotePad++ and others, I already have lost many files.
So files are not closed normally, if exceptions occur ?
Title: Re: Error code: -1073741819
Post by: sunshine on February 10, 2025, 02:16:10 AM
This seems to be a memory address alignment related error that appeared after Windows 11 24H2.  We can patch pocc.exe and poasm.exe to solve this problem.

You can read ( for more details.

And try my patched pocc.exe ( and poasm.exe (