Pelles C forum
C language => Windows questions => Topic started by: TimoVJL on December 11, 2024, 04:29:15 PM
I wishes people to list, what Pelles C compiled programs don't work in Windows 11
For example, how old TLPEView works in it ?
Tiny-Lousy-projects (
Hi Timo,
Thanks for your efforts. I will test your tools on Windows 11 ( at work )
Vortex, please be sure to note the windows 11 version. I have been running on Windows 11 for a long time without any issues whatsoever. I'm just on 23H2, the issue appears to be related to 24H2 roll out.
John Z
On Windows 11 2024 H2, Timo's applications are working without any error messages :
@Vortex Thanks for testing 8)
Next someone could test Pelles C tools in Windows 11 24H2
I did it:
Building Datas.obj.
warning: Ignored in 64-bit mode: 'STDCALL'.
*** Error code: -1073741819 ***
Building Image Optional Header.obj.
warning: Ignored in 64-bit mode: 'STDCALL'.
*** Error code: -1073741819 ***
And so on
Sorry the text on the image is in French ;)
So pocc and poide problems wait updates for Windows 11 ?
Hi Timo
Or Pelle comes Back :-\
Question -
Is it true that on WIN11 24H2 Pelles C can build 32 bit programs without issue? All I've seen so far are 64 bit comments and tests.
Can someone test that?
John Z
Also - any chance Pelles C V11 works ok in Win 11 24H2?
Hi John,
Sorry I can't
Question -
Is it true that on WIN11 24H2 Pelles C can build 32 bit programs without issue? All I've seen so far are 64 bit comments and tests.
Can someone test that?
I checked the compilation of the project on Win32 mode (on Windows 11 24H2) - there are no changes, still the same error 0xC0000005
What's most interesting is that if I change resources (forms, strings, etc.), the compiler works normally. But if the code changes, an error occurs.
At the moment I am writing code from Hyper-V with Windows 10 22H2, but this is a crutch and I would like a real solution to use one operating system.
What's most interesting is that if I change resources (forms, strings, etc.), the compiler works normally. But if the code changes, an error occurs.
Well - was hoping 32 bit building was unaffected....
Unless you 'clean' the project under the Project Menu, the object file(s) not affected by the tweak are not rebuilt so the issue does not appear.
Thanks for testing! Much appreciated.
John Z
Yestirday I had the problem and removed this build. Now it can comes back before 2025/2/9 :D
Hi HellOfMice,
I found this on the web if you want to try:
To prevent the Windows 11 24H2 update using the registry, navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" and create a new DWORD value called "TargetReleaseVersion" with a value of "1"; then, create a new string value called "TargetReleaseVersionInfo" and set its value to the specific Windows 11 version you want to stay on (e.g., "22H2") to effectively block the update to 24H2
Have not tried it myself yet - you'd want "23H2" I think ...
John Z
Hi John
I always am afraid when modifying this part of Windows. RegEdit can be dangerous
Thank You
Also found at Microsoft link below -
John Z
Attached pdf in case it disappears from the MS site.
Update - well maybe not going to work on a home system.
Checked registry and the full path
does not exist in my system no "\WindowsUpdate" segment so it would need to be added as well although the instructions do not say that and assume the full path is there. Perhaps adding it won't matter and it won't work unless system is using GROUP policies.
Update 2 - I've set the registry to "23H2" we'll see. Need to reboot now
Update 3 - I'm back up no crash :) ;D whew! Doesn't mean it really works though - time will tell
Here is pocc.exe v11 for testing.
This code don't need headers, to test a bare pocc.exe.
int __cdecl main(void)
return 0;
I made the changes in powershell. Seems to be good
I only compile in 32bit, Windows 11 24H2 get the same error no matter what I do.
As I, and others, have pointed out before, if you click "run" once and wait for the error message to appear, then click "Run" again and it works.
You therefore do not need to downgrade the Windows version to program in Pelles-C.
If I understood Pelle forgot to do this:
void *AllignData(void *data)
return (void *)(((int) data + 15) &~ 0x0F) ;
It is too big! He is able to write programming tools and forgot something essential, I suppose he made a lot of case on this.
When do you come back Mr Orinius? I will not wait for your return a lot of time.
Hi Alderman2,
I only compile in 32bit, Windows 11 24H2 get the same error no matter what I do.
As I, and others, have pointed out before, if you click "run" once and wait for the error message to appear, then click "Run" again and it works.
You therefore do not need to downgrade the Windows version to program in Pelles-C.
Two things
1) AFAIK the 'click run twice' has not been mentioned to work for 64 bit programs
2) Why should 'click run twice' work at all? That does not make sense to me.
John Z
I haven't tested 64 bit.
I click "Run" first and wait for the job to finish.
I get the error message.
I then click "Run" again and the compiled program runs.
To me it seems that the program compiles on first "Run" but fails to start.
At second "Run" the program starts.
What happens, when you push "Compile" button ? Any errors ?
"Run" is just a poide feature.
I want to know, how pocc.exe, porc.exe and polink.exe works in Windows 11 24H2 system.
pocc.exe have a one bug report already.
I click "Run" first and wait for the job to finish.
I get the error message.
I then click "Run" again and the compiled program runs.
The first time the error occurs if changes were made to the code.
But when you compile the second time, there are no changes in the code, and the compiler compiles an exe-file for you from the existing obj-files.
Delete (or move) the obj-files from the output folder of your project and try to rebuild the project completely.
Maybe get lucky and the stack pointer will be valid, then the compiler will work.
I want to know, how pocc.exe, porc.exe and polink.exe works in Windows 11 24H2 system.
pocc.exe have a one bug report already.
I didn't notice any problems with porc.exe
Resources compile perfectly on any Windows.
Hopefully pocrt don't have any problems with Windows 11 24H2.
Windows 11 might belong same series as Vista and 8, so we have to wait Windows 12, if it is more stable :P
I've been programming for many years, and in all these years I've never been introduced to how the programs are created. Therefore, I might answer a little differently than everyone who is familiar with how programs are created in Pelles-C (= I can watch TV but don't know how it works). Hope you understand what I mean.
I wildly test:
1. If I change the code and then compile, I get an error message every time.
2. If I change the code and then build xxx.exe I get error the first time but works the second time with the changes also in the exe file.
3. If I change the code and then build xxx.exe I get an error message. After that I compile and get error message.
4. If I change the code and then compile, I get an error message. After that I build xxx.exe it works with the changes also in the exe file.
If I delete the .obj and .res and do as above I get the same result.
I noticed one thing:
When I click Build xxx.exe the first time, the .obj file is created.
When I click Build xxx.exe the second time, the .res file is created and the changes in the code are also changed in the xxx.exe file.
Could it have something to do with the resource file?
Otherwise I have no problem with creating exe software, it works as before the error with the difference that I have to build twice, the second time it works.
The difference between "Build" and "Run" is that "Run" first builds and then starts the .exe file as well?!
When I tried to compile I had the error message: :-[
File system error (-1073741819)
Hi Alderman2,
author=alderman2 link=topic=11435.msg40342#msg40342 date=1736272788
I noticed one thing:
When I click Build xxx.exe the first time, the .obj file is created.
When I click Build xxx.exe the second time, the .res file is created and the changes in the code are also changed in the xxx.exe file.
Could it have something to do with the resource file?
No - nothing to do with the .res file or processing of it. All the results you reported are consistent with the issue. In the flow of creating the exe the .obj files are first created, then the .res file is processed see this exerpt from a ppj file.
# Build Hello_World.exe.
Hello_World.exe: \
output\main.obj \
$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -out:"$@" $**
# Build main.obj.
output\main.obj: \
main.c \
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"
# Build main.res.
output\main.res: \
main.rc \
main.h \
main.ico \
$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"
After it crashes out the first time the object files are already created, so the '2nd' time the build only needs to process the .res file so the final program is then finished. This does seem to point to the build process otherwise it would crash out after each object - instead it only crashes out when transitioning out of building object files.
If you are adventurous you could make a backup copy of the ppj file. then edit the original moving the Build xxx.res section to the top leaving obj last. like this
# Build Hello_World.exe.
Hello_World.exe: \
output\main.obj \
$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -out:"$@" $**
# Build main.res.
output\main.res: \
main.rc \
main.h \
main.ico \
$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"
# Build main.obj.
output\main.obj: \
main.c \
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) "$!" -Fo"$@"
In theory the build should complete with a crash but the executable might still be created. This change (moving the .res file) worked perfectly on WIN 11 23H2 so moving is worth testing IMO.
>>>> BE sure to create a backup copy of the ppj first !! <<<<
John Z
Now I understand better how it is done!
Will test it with xx.res as you suggest. I don't have to worry about something going wrong, I use special test files.
So compiler create obj-file, but crash while closing source-file.
Perhaps a bogus file handle for CloseHandle().
As I said yesterday it is a file access problem
I have made the update to v24
and have problem when saving file not only when compiling or linking
It is not a PE's problem
I think like Timo, maybe a CloseHandle bug
In that case I copy all the file in the clipboard call taskmanager and ask it to unload Pelles
After I relaunch Pelles and paste from the clipboard and I can save
If Pelles C tools works in Windows 7, 8, 10, Windows 11 might have a bug / feature itself.
Except this error code all works very well
I have the same problem with Notepad++ and the last update of it
I compile, Link, and debug without problem
My program runs well
Nothing else
I have given a solution when we cannot save.
More who have problems:
How do you program under windows 111 release 24 ?
I use powershell and now that's nice.
For editing I use NotePad++
I use Pelle's debugger
and now I am pleased even if the debugger creates problems but it not directly it is with that windows (sh****) version, before this (sh$$$$$) version I used the debugger and all was fine.
There are bugs when using the ide while programming in assembler, who will correct them? When?
I know nobody has the source files. Is there somebody able to contact Pelle?
if someone needs my files (debug and relase) batch files, I can send them
I have emailed Pelle about the bug.
And No Answer? Did you ask to confirm the receipt?
No, no answer yet and I didn't ask for a delivery receipt.
Sent the email 2024-12-28 18:49
New year, new Windows 11 24H2 bug to add to the list: 13 and counting (
They will stay there for a long time...
Here are my files:
Maker for building the release
Maked for building the debuig version
You must change the XXXXXX and YYYYY by your own folders names
On the porc cmdline, chane "-L0x409" if you are not French.
There are cmd lines for POASM, POCC, PORC and POLINK
That's all
Sorry I forgot to upload
How Pelles C cc.exe and pomake.exe works in Windows 11 24H2 ?
I have no problem
When tehre are compile errors it show but I never have the famous error code
I also bring my own little testimony in case it might be useful. PellesC v12 behaves exactly as Philippe reported, on my Windows 11 24H2.
I do not use poide.exe for development and I compile my programs using batch commands (.cmd files). pocc.exe, porc.exe and polink.exe work as expected. No errors are generated during the compilation process (with the exception of those due to programming errors). The latest version of my little tool has been developed entirely in Windows 11 23H2, and then in Windows 11 24H2. So far I have not received any 'weird' reports from users who have downloaded and used it. As far as I know, it is being used on a wide range of operating systems, from Windows 7 onwards, including the Server versions. So I would say that the executables created with PellesC v12 on Windows 24H2 also work as expected.
Based on my experience, I also think that the problem is due to poide.exe instead of the individual tools (pocc.exe, etc.).
If pocc.exe stops exception with error code, both poide and pomake notice it.
Hi Alderman2,
I only compile in 32bit, Windows 11 24H2 get the same error no matter what I do.
As I, and others, have pointed out before, if you click "run" once and wait for the error message to appear, then click "Run" again and it works.
You therefore do not need to downgrade the Windows version to program in Pelles-C.
Two things
1) AFAIK the 'click run twice' has not been mentioned to work for 64 bit programs
2) Why should 'click run twice' work at all? That does not make sense to me.
John Z
Hi John,
On my Windows 11 24H2 system, this happens when the 'output' folder does not exist. On the first 'click' the error -1073741819 appears, on the second 'click' the IDE creates the 'output' folder and compiles and executes the file.
User my batch files you click only one time and that runs ::)
User my batch files you click only one time and that runs ::)
Hi Philippe, I do not use poide.exe to develop and compile my freeware programs. I prefer to use batch files (.cmd files), but I noticed this behaviour of the IDE when running on Windows 11 24H2. For example, on Windows 10, if the 'output' folder is missing, the IDE creates it correctly without showing any errors at compile time.
Hi Marco,
Me too I notice that.
I have changed the cmd line for linking, Now I use a response files because of too numeous object files
What kind of freewares do you do?
In Pelle HLP file
"[size=78%]If you have many files or options - use a response file. It is a text file with the same format as the command line. Line feeds are treated as spaces. The name of the response file must be preceded by a [/size][size=78%]@[/size][size=78%] character on the command line. The response file may use either OEM or UTF-16LE encoding (from version 5.0)."[/size]
Hi Marco,
Me too I notice that.
I have changed the cmd line for linking, Now I use a response files because of too numeous object files
What kind of freewares do you do?
Hi Philippe,
Even though I am working on a number of projects, the amount of free time I have to devote to them is unfortunately getting shorter and shorter. At the moment, I only have one publicly released project, which I started as a personal project in 2006. The program is called 'WinContig' and its homepage can be found at the following address ( is my personal homepage): (
The program is portable and its purpose is to defragment files and folders without having to defragment the whole hard disk.
Hi Marco,
Very dangerous project, ambitious too.
You must know the disks very well
I never wanted to write program playing with disks, too dangerous for me.
If you need someone for testing, I am ok, I will try fo find an old hard disk.
I will look at your home page one I have finished this mail.
I have written only one freeware, more than 1000 download, and the badge "A star is Born" on source forge
Meri Marco
Hi Marco,
Me too I notice that.
I have changed the cmd line for linking, Now I use a response files because of too numeous object files
What kind of freewares do you do?
Hi Philippe,
Even though I am working on a number of projects, the amount of free time I have to devote to them is unfortunately getting shorter and shorter. At the moment, I only have one publicly released project, which I started as a personal project in 2006. The program is called 'WinContig' and its homepage can be found at the following address ( is my personal homepage): (
The program is portable and its purpose is to defragment files and folders without having to defragment the whole hard disk.
Beautiful website!
Thank you very much, alderman2.
Hi Marco,
I agree with the rest the forum users, the web site you have built for your WinContig program is very impressive! I have not tried your program but will download shortly.
For those switching to batch files, I attach my just written one for object creation in case it is of use for anyone. Very easy to use and configure directories, feed it a file with a list of c files to compile (with extensions, example compile.lst attached) and it will create them one-by-one.
John Z
updated batch file object creation see post below for current version
Thank you very much, John. Your batch file is very interesting.
Thanks Marco,
Here is an improved version where extensions are retained making it easier to create the list using
DIR/B *.c > compile.lst <ret>
No extension seemed like a good idea at the time but doesn't survive further thinking....
John Z
Hi all,
Here is a revised procedure to block (hopefully) WIN 11 24H2 update.
It can be applied and then removed later to get the update when desired and
hopefully with all fixes in place.
I have done it - does it block the update ? unknown at this point.
John Z
Well darn - the pdf is 1.6Megs - can't upload - but here is the crux of the matter:
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. In command prompt windows, issue the following three (3) commands in order (press Enter after each command):
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v TargetReleaseVersion /t REG_DWORD /d 1
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v TargetReleaseVersionInfo /t REG_SZ /d 23H2
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v ProductVersion /t REG_SZ /d "Windows 11"
too late
too late
when it is already in pants :P
I have an update blocker for windows 10. Maybe works for 11 too.
At the bottom of the page:
>:( :o :P
I have done it - does it block the update ? unknown at this point.
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. In command prompt windows, issue the following three (3) commands in order (press Enter after each command):
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v TargetReleaseVersion /t REG_DWORD /d 1
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v TargetReleaseVersionInfo /t REG_SZ /d 23H2
• reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v ProductVersion /t REG_SZ /d "Windows 11"
I've run for about 6 days now and no task bar circle with blue dot has shown back up asking to "update or hide for now". No nagging to update. Looking good.
John Z
I have Windows 11 24h2 and I am alive
That is good news and hope for many, but there are numerous issues affecting many features.
Windows 11 24H2 plagued by yet more bugs in 2025
How is the notepad++ bug working out? Have they issued a fix yet?
John Z
When I debig pelle's does to believe notepad++ that there are new files
Successfull update with WSUS ( Windows Server Update Services ) from Win 11 2023 H2 to Win 11 2024 H2
When CPUs are verified for possible optimizations, can be seen, if errors depends of them.
Is same kernel for intel and AMD ?
If someone knows the answer I should be very interested. I think it is different because a kernel tells with very deep level of cpu and the processors don't have the same number of registers AMD has not exactly the same architecture than Intel, Cyrix, Via, ARM...
Only AMD and Intel CPUs are important to Windows server systems, not other CPUs.
Now i want to know, is pocc.exe problems similar for both CPUs.
I send you the CPU-Z file for my Lucienne ::)
So pocc.exe problem exist with AMD Ryzen 7
Only when compiling for windows. No problem with application Console :)
I didn't understand at all.
Just use DeepL for messages and test those in that way.
I was an IT support person / system expert in one factory before retirement and i was able to understand when office women told problems and able solve them.
Here I join my console project
When I was working for ESSO I made the same job