Pelles C forum

Pelles C forum => General discussion => Topic started by: John Z on January 19, 2025, 11:01:39 PM

Title: Upload size
Post by: John Z on January 19, 2025, 11:01:39 PM
Wow -

Is this really right?
Restrictions: 4 per post, maximum total size 102400KB, maximum individual size 20480KB

I was hoping for an increase over the 1Meg limit but really 102,400KB and 20,480KB ?  ;D
Maybe this was temporary for the Pelles Software upload.... 5MB though would be nice with a
10MB cap for 4 per post IMO...

John Z
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: Vortex on January 20, 2025, 08:27:28 AM

Maybe the size limitation is a precaution of the forum software.
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: MrBcx on January 20, 2025, 04:12:53 PM
IIRC, those are default SMF values and can only be changed by an admin but it's important to
understand that SMF runs on individual hosted servers whose annual pricing always considers
storage space.

We know that Christian is (generously) hosting this (and other) sites on his hosting server, so
it's likely he would be the only person deciding whether to make upload file size changes for
this forum.

So send him a private message with a brief justification -- the worst he can say is, "no"
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: John Z on January 20, 2025, 09:40:09 PM
To clarify -

The current upload size shown when posting is now a max of ~20.5MB per file, it used to be 1.0MB per file.  The current upload per posting is now ~102MB per post, it used to be ~4.0MB per post.

I was not asking for more, I was pointing out that the upload sizes were probably increased to allow uploading of Pelles C distribution files, but should now be reverted to a, IMO reasonable number to reduce the burden and cost. 

I did suggest a bit higher than the previous 1Mb limits.

John Z
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: Christian on January 22, 2025, 03:41:14 PM

the upload sizes were just this size, because of the upload of Pelles C here due to the offline website.

Will change them again.

Best regards

Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: TimoVJL on January 22, 2025, 04:30:12 PM
One idea is, that users remove attachments, that are not having any interest for while.
I have done it couple times, like when some users needed more room for their files.
Any comments ?
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: Vortex on January 22, 2025, 07:14:06 PM
Hi Timo,

Another option is to include only small executables in the zip archives.
Title: Re: Upload size
Post by: John Z on January 22, 2025, 09:27:58 PM
One idea is, that users remove attachments, that are not having any interest for while.
I have done it couple times, like when some users needed more room for their files.
Any comments ?

We worked well with the 1M /4M for a long time.  I too have deleted my attachments from time to time to make room.  IMO back to the old numbers are fine, but if we could go to 2M /8M that would be nice, for the infrequent occasion something of a larger size might be of interest to the forum.

John Z