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Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 02:37:10 PM »
I have read bad news about this update
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 02:28:56 PM »
Hi iwrbc,

Can you try again after disabling ALL ADD-INs?  Could you also try the Hello project I attached previously, maybe turn on DEBUG for it too??

John Z

@ Alderman2
 Are you on windows 24H2 (which is now rolling out to all users)
I'm on 23H2 currently.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by iwrbc on Yesterday at 02:25:46 PM »
Hi, just to let you know: this morning I updated my Windows version (11 Home, 24H2) and now I get exactly this error. I changed nothing in the program I was working on. I also ran the test of Alderman; in the 'release' compilation mode I do NOT get the error, but in the 'debug' compilation mode I do. So now instead of pushing F5 just once, I now need to do it for every source file. It is not a big problem, but a bit annoying.

My virusscanner does not detect anything in my program so that is not the issue. Virusscanner was worried about the mall.exe of Alderman.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 02:00:46 PM »
I would like to update to v12, but then I get English text. Is it also available in Swedish?

Yes Version 12 supports Swedish. Click "Additional Translations" during setup.

John Z
Expert questions / ODS
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 01:53:56 PM »
What is that kind of messages?

Thread 3BA8 started
Thread 2F48 started
Thread C9C started
Thread 35F4 started
ODS: onecoreuap\internal\shell\inc\SrcPkg\FileExplorerSessionWatcher\inc\FileExplorerSessionWatcher.h(843)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4B94C0: (caller: 00007FFA9F4964DB) ReturnHr(3) tid(42c0) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\shell\\grepwdsproviderresolver.cpp(1142)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4964F7: (caller: 00007FFA9F4BDD70) LogHr(3) tid(42c0) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\internal\shell\inc\SrcPkg\FileExplorerSessionWatcher\inc\FileExplorerSessionWatcher.h(843)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4B94C0: (caller: 00007FFA9F4964DB) ReturnHr(4) tid(3ba8) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\shell\\grepwdsproviderresolver.cpp(1142)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4964F7: (caller: 00007FFA9F4BDD70) LogHr(4) tid(3ba8) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\internal\shell\inc\SrcPkg\FileExplorerSessionWatcher\inc\FileExplorerSessionWatcher.h(843)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4B94C0: (caller: 00007FFA9F4964DB) ReturnHr(5) tid(2f48) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\shell\\grepwdsproviderresolver.cpp(1142)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4964F7: (caller: 00007FFA9F4BDD70) LogHr(5) tid(2f48) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\internal\shell\inc\SrcPkg\FileExplorerSessionWatcher\inc\FileExplorerSessionWatcher.h(843)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4B94C0: (caller: 00007FFA9F4964DB) ReturnHr(6) tid(1964) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
ODS: onecoreuap\shell\\grepwdsproviderresolver.cpp(1142)\Windows.Storage.Search.dll!00007FFA9F4964F7: (caller: 00007FFA9F4BDD70) LogHr(6) tid(1964) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
Loading Windows.StateRepositoryClient.dll at 00007FFAB09D0000
Loading MrmCoreR.dll at 00007FFA9C690000
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 01:49:43 PM »
Avast proceeds like this.
You launch your program, it analyze it and very often it kills the program
If no virus detected the second time it runs.

I have a problem with asm language and avast it deletes my program after link.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 01:46:44 PM »
Hi Alderman2

The strange thing is that it always works the second time I click "Run".

Can you clarify this?  When you "click RUN" the second time does Pelle C show it is again compiling the program before it 'runs' or does the exe just run?  Just want to be sure.

After the first "run" which appears to fail have you looked into the project directory to see if a new .exe was actually still created?

After clicking 'RUN" second time can you go into the project directory, and click the exe and it runs?

John Z
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by frankie on Yesterday at 01:38:20 PM »
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 01:27:10 PM »

Glad my code works, must be wrong with me then or v11.
I'm going away for a while now, I'll be back tonight.

Works in V11 - Compiles, and runs.

Good news - and bad news .... looking like install or system issue.

John Z
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 01:24:34 PM »
I think that Timo is right
Stop your antivirus
run your program it must run at the first time

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