I was a little bit bored this morning so I ported one of the DirectX examples over to C
Steps to get this to work:
1) Download the DirectX SDK (I'm using February 2006)
2) Go to C:\Windows\System32 (or equivalent) and polib some libraries
polib d3d9.dll /out:d3d9.lib
polib d3dx9_29 /out:d3dx9_29.lib
I'm not sure why there are so many versions of the d3dx9 libraries... oh well who cares as long as it works
3) move these lib files to a place that pelles c can find them ie the lib directory in the pellesc program directory
4) compile, run, and be merry
It really isn't that hard to port these over. If anyone is really interested I can do the rest (this one took five minutes)