Hi pink,
Your executable should import from kernel32.dll You must to take in account that this type of executables not importing from kernel32 could trigger the attention of antivirus software. Here is a Poasm example for you :
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include PEBstruct.inc
MB_OK equ 0
LoadLibrary db 'LoadLibraryA',0
MessageBox db 'MessageBoxA',0
ExitProcess db 'ExitProcess',0
user32 db 'user32.dll',0
msg db 'Hello from MessageBox',0
call main
push 0
call eax ; Call ExitProcess
main PROC uses esi ebx
mov ebx,[fs:030h] ; PEB
mov ebx,[ebx+00Ch] ; PEB->Ldr
mov ebx,[ebx+014h] ; PEB->Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink (1st entry)
mov ebx,[ebx] ; 2nd Entry
mov ebx,[ebx] ; 3rd Entry
mov ebx,[ebx+010h] ; Third entry's base address (Kernel32.dll)
invoke GetProcAddr,ebx,ADDR LoadLibrary
push OFFSET user32
call eax
invoke GetProcAddr,eax,ADDR MessageBox
push MB_OK
push OFFSET user32
push OFFSET msg
push 0
call eax ; Call MessageBox
invoke GetProcAddr,ebx,ADDR ExitProcess
main ENDP
END start