I've been interested in this too for some time, and I tried to compile the simplest example from Ch.2 of the book "Programming the Windows Driver Model":
1) Would XP DDK include & lib files work out of the box with Pelles?
Yeah, they seem to be working =)
2) What compiler options are necessary to burp out an OBJ for linking with MASM's link
On the Project Options -> Linker tab:
Subsystem -> Native, EntryPoint = DriverEntry, /OUT: MyDriver.sys
And I thought it works with POLINK pretty well... unless you want PDB files.
And strip the output of all Win32 C-runtime, of course.
3) If anyone figures this out, please make a KMD creation wizard :-)
The problem which made me give up was that ... the driver requires a GUID, and the DEFINE_GUID() macro didn't wanna compile, and since I don't understand GUIDs right now, I dropped it for a while.