Thanks for your fast reply, Stefan.
Did you mean wchars and wprint?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int main(void)
wchar_t wstr[] = L"öäüß";
wprintf(L"Umlaute: %ls\n", wstr);
return 0;
This code also prints the wrong umlauts.
Maybe I got you wrong and searched for the wrong attempt?
I know very well what you mean with UNICODE, but I can't assign it to the right C functions.
But never mind. It's a satisfiable information for me, if you say "It's a normal behavior for 'fprint()', don't worry"
I'm really at the beginning of the C tutorial and I hope this Unicode-stuff will be explained in one of the the following chapters.
I was simply irritated, because every compiled example of the tutorial prints broken Umlauts. And I thought: "Damn, why the author of this tutorial does not explain the broken Umlauts? He otherwise explained every little sideeffect in his examples."
btw: It's a german tutorial (openbook) - "C von A bis Z" and the author use Umlauts in his printf() functions.