1) From PEllesC, Create a Windows Project (Desde Pelles, crear un Proyecto Windows).
2) after the last #include directive, add the next (Despues de la ultima directiva #include, agregar)
#include <uxtheme.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "uxtheme.lib")
3) Declare the bIsbufered Variable: static BOOL IsBufered = FALSE;
4) To this Option dont crash in Windows Xp, follow this steps ().
3.1.- Open the Menu: Project -> Project Options (Abrir en el Menu estas opciones).
3.2.- In the Tab <Linker>, add the uxtheme.dll in the "Dll Files with delayed loading".
5) Add the Next Prototypes:
void MiPaint( HDC , RECT, BOOL );
6) Add the Next Message Cracker: HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_CREATE, Main_OnCreate);
7) Change the Main_OnDestroy: static void Main_OnDestroy(HWND hwnd){
if (IsBufered) BufferedPaintUnInit(); PostQuitMessage(0); }
Put the Main_OnCreate: static LRESULT Main_OnCreate(HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpstr) {
IsBufered = (S_OK == BufferedPaintInit() );
return 1;}
9) Change the Main_OnPaint: static void Main_OnPaint(HWND hwnd){
PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rc;GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
if (IsBufered){
HPAINTBUFFER hBufferedPaint = BeginBufferedPaint(hdc, &rc, BPBF_COMPATIBLEBITMAP, NULL, &hNewDC);
if (hBufferedPaint) {
MiPaint(hNewDC, rc, TRUE);
EndBufferedPaint(hBufferedPaint, TRUE);
} else{
MiPaint(hdc, rc, FALSE);
} else {
MiPaint(hdc, rc, FALSE);
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); }
9) Add your Paint Function:
void MiPaint( HDC thdc, RECT trc, BOOL bBuffered ) {
int iMonX = GetDeviceCaps(thdc, HORZRES);
int iMonY = GetDeviceCaps(thdc, VERTRES);
PatBlt(memoriDC, 0, 0, iMonX ,iMonY , WHITENESS);
..... some code to show in the window.................