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Does Open Watcom support the MS COFF object file output?
I remember that they have a special name decoration system in object files.
; Open Watcom C 32 NoCrt startup code OWCNoCrt; use WinMainCRTStartup as new stating point like MS linker do; compile this with wasm -bt=nt -3r -ms OWCNorCrt.asm.386p.model flat, stdcall extrn WinMainCRTStartup : near public wstart_.code wstart_: jmp WinMainCRTStartupend wstart_
; Open Watcom C 32 NoCrt startup code OWCCrt0Gui; compile this with wasm -bt=nt -3r -ms OWCCrt0Gui.asm; wlib OWCCrt0Gui OWCCrt0Gui; Based on Vortex crt0gui.asm.386p.model flat, stdcall extrn ExitProcess@4 : near extrn GetCommandLineA@0 : near extrn GetModuleHandleA@4 : near; extrn WinMainCRTStartup : near extrn WinMain@16 : near public wstart_SW_SHOWDEFAULT equ 10NULL equ 0.data?hInstance DWORD ?.code wstart_:; jmp WinMainCRTStartup push 0 call GetModuleHandleA@4 mov hInstance,eax call GetCommandLineA@0 cmp byte PTR [eax],34 ;check for leading quote jne skipfile @@: ;look for the second quote inc eax mov cl,byte PTR [eax] or cl,cl jz finish cmp cl,34 jne @b jmp skipspace ;look for space chars repeat1: inc eax skipfile: ;skip file name mov cl,byte PTR [eax] or cl,cl jz finish cmp cl,32 jne repeat1 dec eaxskipspace: ;skip space chars inc eax mov cl,byte PTR [eax] cmp cl,32 je skipspace finish: push SW_SHOWDEFAULT push eax push NULL push hInstance call WinMain@16 push eax call ExitProcess@4end wstart_