In Win7 Microsoft has changed the wake from sleep protocals for their LAN networking. Simply pinging a machine will no longer wake it. You must either connect to it with TCP or send it a Magic Packet before using UDP... In fact the only guaranteed wakeup is the magic packet.
The details are here... so ... what the @#$@# is a Magic Packet?
Basically it's a 128 byte packet where the first 6 bytes are set to 0xFF, followed by at least 16 repetitions of the target machine's MAC address (the physical network ID of the NIC chip). To get the MAC address you use the Windows SendARP function.
Below is an example of how to get the MAC address and send a Magic Packet from an open UDP port using Winsock2.... Basically you hand it a SOCKADDR structure with the target IP address, the number of retires for the ARP request and the delay between retries (in seconds).
// Send Magic Packet
// build and send magic packet
BOOL WakeHost(PSOCKADDR Host, BYTE Tries, BYTE Delay)
{ SOCKADDR ha; // host ip and port
BYTE mac[6]; // host mac address
ULONG smac = 6; // size of mac address
BYTE magic[128] = {0}; // magic packet
FD_SET st; // socket to be tested
TIMEVAL tv; // delay time for test
BYTE rt = 0; // retry counter
// make a copy of the sockaddr
// switch port
((PSOCKADDR_IN) &ha)->sin_port = htons(9);
// get mac address
while (SendARP(((PSOCKADDR_IN)&ha)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr,0,(PULONG)&mac,&smac))
{ if (++ rt > Tries)
return 0;
Sleep(Delay * 1000); }
// build magic packet
for ( int x = 6; x < 102 ; x++)
magic[x] = mac[x % 6];
// wait then send
st.fd_count = 1;
st.fd_array[0] = hSocket;
tv.tv_sec = 5;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
if (select(1,NULL,&st,NULL,&tv) > 0)
return 1; }