About the installer, I think poinst already powerful enough, cause I can create and remove all the things I want within a single exe file. To have a msi generator, I can deploy the installation to all pc in the domain simply if I want.
Yes it is. POINST is a pretty good tool. I went with Inno mainly because of it's Wizards. They pretty much pre-script the install, making it painfully easy. (I'm lazy, what can I say
Pure Win programming actually is not a complicated thing. When I used Win3.1, I had already a book how to write code. The basic concept has never been changed so far.
True enough... fill in the struct call the function... pretty much as always.
However, as you study the SDK looking for new weapons for your washing machine, you will rapidly discover that it's grown in leaps and bounds as new technologies are added... Windows Networking, Windows Internet, COM, Winsock, WMI and on and on and on... The basics remain but oh boy is it getting complicated... Especially so with Win7 where you have to contend with Virtualization, Manifests, Code Signing, etc. And it's only going to become more so with Windows 8 (which I will *never* actually use or program for)
In my usual work, writing small aps that bigger programming houses won't touch, I doubt that I use more than 10% of what's there and it still feels like a lot!
Of course, as I am not a professional coder and do like *nix system much more, I never pick it up and deep into it.
You will find that your *nix experience isn't much help beyond windows console. In GUI mode even the entry point is different (WinMain() ) and from there it just gets more and more different as you delve deeper. It's C code but it's not like any other C code you'll find. I like programming at the Windows API level, don't use 3rd party libraries unless I have to (which has only happened once so far) and prefer to build things from a white page as much as I can. Tried some *nix programming and found it ok but definately not what I'm used to ... especially when you end up with 30% CPU usage just to play an MP3 file that windows runs with less than 5% ... I think although windows is more complex, it's also more efficient.
But recently I want to create some small apps for my daily works, so I tried all kinds of c compilers including MSVC. And since I only require a pure c compiler with enough functions what I require, PellesC became the final choice of mine.
Yep... I started out on Borland's Turbo Basic, moved to Turbo Pascal after about a week and then, more than a decade later, I moved to C after they mucked everything up with Delphi (lord I hated that language!). From time to time I will try different IDEs and different compilers but somehow I always end up back on Pelles C... I believe it's currently the best setup you can get, at any price. Pelle is to be congratulated for his skill and generosity.