Author Topic: How can I change the default projects address in IDE: ?  (Read 2558 times)


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How can I change the default projects address in IDE: ?
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:59:51 AM »
How can I change the default projects address in IDE:
C:\users\mine\documents\pelles c projects\vmDlgPj-01\output

To this:
C:\PellesC\Pelles-C-Projects  ?



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Re: How can I change the default projects address in IDE: ?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 07:04:47 AM »
Before you do anything... Did you install Pelles C at c:\PellesC ?  I ask because this is a rather bad idea.  Unless you're running something ancient like Win98, it really does need to be in the Program Files folder. There's no harm in putting your workspaces and projects at c:\PellesC ... just not the IDE and it's files. (*Especially* if you are using Win7.)
For changing the working path... Next time you create a project note the little button with three dots to the right of the Project Path in the New Project Wizard... click that and select your new directory.

OR...install the  Workspace Manager AddIn which will allow you to set a root path for all your workspaces and projects. This also allows you to create free-form Workspaces to suit your needs, whereas the original Wizard is somewhat restrictive.
Installing an AddIn is pretty easy...
1) Download the AddIn and save it on your hard disk.
2) Open a Windows Explorer and get into the PellesC programs folder (should be at C:\Program Files\PellesC ) then click on the Bin folder then click either AddIns or AddIns64.
3) Open a second Windows Explorer and open the AddIn zip file...
4) If you are on a 32 bit OS... drop the 32 bit DLL from the AddIn into the AddIns folder in PellesC
5) If you are on a 64 bit OS... drop the 64 bit DLL from the AddIn into the AddIns64 folder.

(Note: only the appropriate DLL... nothing else.)
6) Start POIDE and select Tools->Customize->AddIns and check the AddIn you just added.
7) Now select Tools->options->AddIns and click on the AddIn there... then click Options and do the setup.
That's it... you now have your AddIn installed and ready to use.
And FWIW... there are lots of AddIns... so feel free to add the ones you need.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 07:18:57 AM by CommonTater »


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Re: How can I change the default projects address in IDE: ?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 05:46:35 PM »
Did you install Pelles C at c:\PellesC ?

Yes, I did.
Ok, I will reinstall.
Thanks for the AddIns 'how to'...vm