Just for information.
Same behaviour with F-Secure Antivirus 9.x since a longer time. Sent a report to F-Secure (Percomp) yesterday. They will fix it (they have said .-)
only with single-threaded, no debug.
int main( void )
malloc(42); // Virus detected Gen.Variant.Graftor:56893
/* calloc(1,42); // no virus (calling malloc) */
> pocc.exe -std:C99 -Tx86-coff -Ob1 -fp:precise -W0 -Gd "O:\Sources\Test\test.c" -Fo"O:\Sources\Test\output\test.obj"
Erzeugen von O:\Sources\Test\Test.tag.
> polink.exe -subsystem:console -machine:x86 kernel32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp.lib user32.lib -out:"O:\Sources\Test\Test.exe" O:\Sources\Test\output\test.obj
POLINK: fatal error: Zugriff verweigert <<< Virus-Scanner pops up with appropriate Message
*** Fehlercode: 1 ***