Good Results.
Thank you Frankie, I have read...
I agree with many things but for the instance I have 5546 stars for 120 years and data every 12 hours.
Imagine if I want to make a query for stars having longitude and latitude for a certain range, it's impossible.
The article says 1 table per star and per year => 5546 * 120 tables!
The best way would be to create dynamicaly an ephemeris using SPICE toolkit, but I don't understand. I have send a mail to NASA/JPL for knowing how to reproduce the web interface into a C program. (
HORIZONS Web-Interface.
I am waiting for the answer, buut I don't believe.
Here I show what I do with these datas. Looking for a star does not interest me, it's rock or gaz..., what I want to do is recreating its orbit, that's more fun and in the future trying to find why a star leaves its oribit. Which is the perturber.
Thank you for your help. I have made a demo version.
See the link above.