Hi Vortex,
I have discovered, again today, the following prefixes:
qwEvex ; 1 Byte (0x62)
qwREX ; 1 Byte (0x48...0x4F)
qwREX2 ; 2 Bytes (0xD5 + 1 other)
qwVEX ; 3 Bytes (0x0F + 3 others (W0|1))
qwVEX2 ; 2 Bytes (0xC5 + 1 other)
qwVEX3 ; 2 Bytes (0xC4 + 2 others)
qw66 ; 1 Byte (0x66)
qw67 ; 1 Byte (0x67)
And in Intel and Amd pdf the set instructions that it is not possible to use in 64 bit mode.
In the following table I try to find the opcode that I can use in mode 64
10 1C 25 78 56 34 12 ADC BYTE PTR [0000000012345678],BL ;
10 D2 ADC DL,DL ;
11 14 25 78 56 34 12 ADC DWORD PTR [0000000012345678],EDX ;
12 04 25 78 56 34 12 ADC AL,BYTE PTR [0000000012345678] ;
13 14 25 78 56 34 12 ADC EDX,DWORD PTR [0000000012345678] ;
14 FF ADC AL,FF ; 14 ib
15 78 56 34 12 ADC EAX,12345678 ; 15 id
15 FF FF ; Not possible in 64 bit mode
48 15 78 56 34 12 ADC RAX,12345678 ; REX.W + 15 id
48 81 14 25 78 56 34 12 FF FF FF FF ADC QWORD PTR [0000000012345678],FFFFFFFF ; REX.W + 81 /2 id
48 83 D2 01 ADC RDX,1 ; REX.W + 83 + /2 ib
4C 11 34 25 78 56 34 12 ADC QWORD PTR [0000000012345678],R14 ; REX.W + 11 /r
4C 13 3C 25 78 56 34 12 ADC R15,QWORD PTR [0000000012345678] ; REX.W + 13 /r
66 11 0C 25 78 56 34 12 ADC WORD PTR [0000000012345678],CX ;
66 11 CA ADC DX,CX ;
66 13 0C 25 78 56 34 12 ADC CX,WORD PTR [0000000012345678] ;
66 15 FF FF ADC AX,65535 ; 66h permet de choisir le registre 16 bits
66 67 81 12 34 12 ADC DWORD PTR [EDX],1234 ;
66 81 14 25 78 56 34 12 FF FF ADC WORD PTR [0000000012345678],FFFF ; 66h indique une opérande 16 bits
66 81 D2 FF FF ADC DX,FFFFh ; 66h permet de choisir le registre 16 bits
66 83 D0 01 ADC AX,1 ;
67 48 81 12 56 34 12 ADC QWORD PTR [edx],12345678 ;
67 81 12 78 56 34 12 ADC DWORD PTR [EDX],12345678 ;
80 14 25 78 56 34 12 FF ADC BYTE PTR [0000000012345678],FF ; le X64 ne gère pas les adresses 64 bits
80 D2 FF ADC DL,FF ;
81 14 25 78 56 34 12 78 56 34 12 ADC DWORD PTR [0000000012345678],12345678 ; ADC r/m32, imm32
83 D0 D1 ADC EAX,1 ;
Nothing for ADC I found 29 different codings, and it is not finished. I want to get all the opcodes and after I make my tests wit4th ADC
Thank You again Vortex and Thank for me Mikl.