if your program has only one section you have 160 bytes available
to put initialized datas
the program following , will print on screen 159 times X
the "XXXXXXX......X" string is contained in the exe header
you need to rebuild the dos stub using fasm, an open source compiler:
here is one adapted from one found on fasm forum:
;file=dos-exe.asm--cut here------
;-- a program for learning PE format
;note: the code below is not flexible enough
;you can try to improve it if you like
;Liu Junfeng
.e_cblp dw 0x0080
.e_cp dw 0x0001
.e_crlc dw 0x0000
.e_cparhdr dw 0x0004
.e_minalloc dw 0x0010
.e_maxalloc dw 0xFFFF
.e_ss dw 0x0000
.e_sp dw 0x0140
.e_csum dw 0x0000
.e_ip dw 0x0000
.e_cs dw 0x0000
.e_lfarlc dw 0x0040
.e_ovno dw 0x0000
.e_res rw 4
.e_oemid dw 0x0000
.e_oeminfo dw 0x0000
.e_res2 rw 10
.e_lfanew dd PE_header ;PE header Offset
org $+DOS_Stub
times 159 db 'X'
db 0
;end of dos-exe.asm
//file=text.asm---cut here----
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
char* ptr;
ptr=(char*) 0x400040;
//end of text.c -----cut here-----
rem file=makebin.bat----cut here----
fasm dos-exe.asm dosstub.exe
cc.exe -c -W1 -Gd -Zl -Os -Ze -Tx86-coff %1.c
polink /STUB:dosstub.exe /ENTRY:main /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /NODEFAULTLIB /MERGE:.rdata=.text /MERGE:.data=.text /OUT: %1.exe msvcrt.lib %1.obj
rem end of makebin.bat---cut here---