Author Topic: Debugger doesn't load correctly  (Read 2149 times)


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Debugger doesn't load correctly
« on: April 25, 2009, 09:54:03 AM »
Hi all,

I love using Pelles C for developing C programs. Recently though I've been having an issue with the debugger not loading correctly. When I hit 'debug', a console window entitled idespawn.exe appears and in the IDE the debugging menu and buttons fail to load at all. When I close idespawn.exe Windows tells me that it cannot end the program and I have to tell it to End Now. In the IDE, all the options under the project menu are greyed out like the debugger is still running. I have to close the IDE (after killing idespawn.exe) to get the program out of this locked debug state.

I have definitely added the Compiler, Assembler and Linker debug options correctly, because it works fine on other similar computers. All other features seem to work fine. I am using v5.00.8 (WinXP-32) and trying to debug Win32 console programs. One weird thing is that I tried downloading one of the programs here on the forum, hello_world_in_544_bytes, which is a GUI program. When I run the debugger with it it works fine. Because this problem does not occur on other WinXP-32 systems I have used, my guess is that it is some sort of software conflict. I also have installed two other IDEs, VS2008 and CodeWarrior and use quite a few free security tools from Comodo, which have been known to cause conflicts. I have tried reinstalling many times and have even tried running the debugger when Windows is in diagnostic mode (with virtually nothing else running) to no avail. I have attached a printscreen to show you what I mean. If I knew how to reproduce it on another system, I probably would have solved it. Let me know if I can provide further info to help resolve this issue.

Any ideas or suggestions for what the problem might be would be greatly appreciated.




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Re: Debugger doesn't load correctly
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 03:13:10 PM »
Hi again,

I have diagnosed what the problem is. It turns out it is Comodo Internet Security causing some sort of conflict, both with PellesC and Visual Studio 2008. When I uninstalled CIS to do an upgrade, I tested out both programs and they ran with no troubles. Looks like I will have to get onto the Comodo forums to try and sort this one out.

Thanks Pelle for a great piece of software. I particularly like the new PellesC extension that allows assigning binary values directly (with the 0b prefix).


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Re: Debugger doesn't load correctly
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 12:13:38 PM »
OK, thanks for the info.