John, you were kind enough to respond to my first mail, but I was too bogged down until now to tell you what I wanted. Here it is.
I have written a book which will be published in English and am trying to create a simple translation model to be able to translate my texts into German. After having looked at at a whole set of products to use such as BASIC and scripting languages I decided I would try to use C and C++ based on using the Pelles IDE.
Why this one; because it is elegant and somehow understandable for a non-programmer.
I am building a tagged english-German dictionary in two versions CSV and a database version
The tasks now are to get a manual working model of the translation method programmed.
1. The first task to to add Parts-of-speech tags to words in a sentence - copied from the dictionary.
2. Next task is to segment the sentence using rules stored in the dictionary.
3. Add German word tags to the words in the sentence, needed for translation.
4. Resequence the segments into a German sequence, again using rules stored in the dictionary.
5. Create dictionary search & translate scripts for each segment.
6. Translate.
The meothod has many advantages compared with traditional methods and products.
After sufficienty testing all of the scripts will be combined into one program.
If you would like to reply then I would be happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
I can provide you with a description I have prepared.
Regards, forkinpm.