I think you are doing just fine. I remember initially having a bit of a struggle myself with C - before I finally "got it", and started to appreciate C as a rather nice, and clean, language. Clean in the sense of not having 12 different ways of solving a task, like with many "higher" level languages. Personally, I have less complains with C, than with any other language I have tried. Hope you get that "a-ha" experience too...
I think the big "A-Ha" came about 3 weeks ago. It was kinda strange really... I was reaching a point of frustration trying to get my head around headers and libs (there has to be a relationship, but HOW?). Not being shy to ask questions I hunted around and found some minimal information but ended up asking the webmaster at one of the sites. He sent back a lovely explaination (i.e. there really is no relationship). I then got busy on something else for a couple of days, came back to work through the next tutorial and there it was... I was "getting it!".
Now it's a bunch of little ones... as I mess with and mess up each new experiment. Overall, a pretty enjoyable experience...
I a gree, fwiw, that C is a clean, powerful and useful language. Pascal has more stuff, asm more flexibility... but C hits the comprmise, which I think is it's source of power. Not bad for a 35 year old programming language!
If I have one overall grumble it's the lack of freely available language documentation. Not tutorials etc. there are lots of them. I mean the almost total lack of help files dealing with keywords, escape sequences, preprocessors, etc... like your help009 file but this time for the base language... preferably with examples. It would have helped me enormously if the base language was documented as well as the libraries. As a learner, I still have to struggle with the syntax of some keywords and concepts and being able to hit F1 would be a real blessing.
C is a relatively simple language... but if you don't know it, you don't know it... a help file would be a blessing.
And... if I type ":=" into one more C file, I'm gonna plotz! :roll: