You have a line of source code that, although it is compilable, has some characteristic that throws the built in indexer so it doesn't parse out the information following that line of code. To remedy the situation go to the last function in the source that is indexed (not so easy since the list is alphabetized and your source is likely not.) Comment it out and save the source code. The list of functions should grow, if this is the case uncomment the method and ask yourself "what, in this method is written cleverly?" Change it to a more text book style and save the source code.
Here's an example of clever code that will confuse the indexer:
static HBRUSH Grid_OnCtlColorStatic(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HWND hwndChild, INT type)
//DWM 1.3: Keep the area between the description and the list refreshed
if (NULL != g_lpInst->hwndPropDesc)
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
FillSolidRect(hdc,(&(RECT) { 0, g_lpInst->iVDivider - 2,
WIDTH(rc), g_lpInst->iVDivider) },GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
return FORWARD_WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC(hwnd, hdc, hwndChild, DefWindowProc);
Can you spot the line that is the causing the trouble?
It's this one:
FillSolidRect(hdc,(&(RECT) { 0, g_lpInst->iVDivider - 2,
WIDTH(rc), g_lpInst->iVDivider) },GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
I packaged my arguments into a rectangle and passed the struct pointer on the fly. The compiler has no problem with this but the indexer does. I could fix this like so:
RECT rc2;
rc2.left = 0; = g_lpInst->iVDivider - 2;
rc2.right = WIDTH(rc);
rc2.bottom = g_lpInst->iVDivider;
However since I am doing this several times in my code I define a macro instead:
#define MAKE_PRECT(left, top, right, bottom) \
(&(RECT) { (left), (top), (right), (bottom) })
In the method I use it like so:
FillSolidRect(hdc,MAKE_PRECT(0, g_lpInst->iVDivider - 2,
WIDTH(rc), g_lpInst->iVDivider),GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
The IDE has no trouble with the syntax of this line and so the rest of the functions appear in the tree.