I'm trying to get the GLFW library to work with Pelles C. I downloaded the precompiled Visual Studio binaries and included all the right libraries. First, POLINK told me it can't find 'msvcrt.lib', so I copied it from the Visual Studio lib folder into my own. Then I got this error:
POLINK: error: Symbol 'free' is multiply defined: 'crt64.lib(free.obj)' and 'msvcrt.lib(MSVCR110.dll)'.
POLINK: error: Symbol 'malloc' is multiply defined: 'crt64.lib(malloc.obj)' and 'msvcrt.lib(MSVCR110.dll)'.
I then turned on "Omit default library name in object files" to remove the conflict. However, I then got another list of errors:
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '__stderr'.
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '__negmaskf'.
POLINK: fatal error: 2 unresolved external(s).
Any suggestions?