Major commercial software developers have spent a lot of money in research to determine the optimal window background color to reduce eye strain while improving readability of screen text. They have determined it to be (in RGB colors) R = 33, G = 40, and B = 48. This is the default background color for such systems as AutoCAD to reduce eye fatigue for individuals spending all day in front of a computer screen. It is also the editor window background color used in the "Obsidian" color scheme employed by many other software development systems.
Is there any chance you might add this particular color to Pelles C as an editor background color option? Call it "Charcoal Gray", or something to that effect. Currently, black is the closest color available, but it leaves the text too high contrast for the eyes.
Also, is there any chance you might add the "Insert Snippet" command to the right-click context menu? Doing so would be very handy, as I use the snippet feature very often.