Hello stryker,
>Your IDE would look awesome if you could emulate the Visual
>C++ 2005 Express Edition IDE. Well, at least the look of the
Just so I understand - what are you missing?
>There is also a feature in that IDE that highlights a bar in
>margin next to lines edited after the last save. I hope you
>can do something about that. Oh, and don't you think the
>number margin is a bit too wide?
If it's not too much trouble, I will try to add a 'dirty line' indicator. (Well, better too wide margin than too narrow).
>An option to add a newline to the file (if it doesn't
>already exist) automatically on save would be nice too.
You should be able to set the line-break format through 'Properties'.
>Highlighting matching braces, parentheses, and brackets is
>another suggestion. More coming later... Keep up the great
There is a 'manual' matching through F12, but highlighting is better. I will try to add it, if it doesn't slow down the painting too much.