Hi Grincheux,
Got the new one working - looks pretty good. However maybe some issue which could just be my understanding.
Here is what I did
Start the WiW program - looks good, reviewed windows title column.
Started a program, hit refresh and saw my program window Title, but the filename column was blank (attachment 1).
Within the program I started I opened another window, actually a table in a window like yours.
hit refresh and saw the second window title shown in the Window Title column but the window FileName
column attributed the window to WiW.exe and not my program(attachment 2).
Started another sub window within my program, again hit refresh, WiW then saw that window title too, but
also attributed it to WiW.exe and not my program(attachment 3).
So this maybe my understanding issue, or could be WiW is not retrieving the base file program name correctly all of the time.
Now - here is just a personal preference - I wish when WiW starts it did not automatically consume my entire screen.
A suggestion: I was trying to compare before and after starting a specific program to see changes. To do that I needed to do screen shots or run two instances of WiW without refreshing the first. It could be useful to be able to export the table to a comma separated output file, then two output files could be compared to see what changed. Alternatively F5 could highlight changes when refreshing. New/changed entries from the prior run could be highlighted -- well this might a very aggressive idea.. Anyway just a suggestion, you may have accomplished your original concept and it is very useful as is.
The ability to sort by any column is very helpful.
Thanks for your hard work!
John Z