This is an updated version of a small 'DOS' command line program to convert toc.yml file from into suitable Content (hhc) and
Index (hhk) files needed for creating a .chm help file.
syntax, which will also show by C:>ymltoc (enter)
Syntax: C:>ymltoc yml_input_filename [output filename] [switches] <ENTER>
[ ] = optional, switches shown below do not include the [ ]
/E Echo to screen
/noheader Suppress header output
/nofooter Suppress footer output
Separate switches with a space.
[output filename] optional input to change the output base name this
option, if used must be in position 2 if not entered the output
uses the base name of the input file and an extension of .hhc and .hhk
[switches] optional output options in any order, case insensitive
/E - echo's lines to the screen
/noheader optional suppression of the .chm format header
/nofooter optional suppression of the .chm format footer
C:> ymltoc toc.yml abc /e (enter) creates abc.hhc and abc.hhk echo to screen too
C:> ymltoc toc.yml (enter) creates toc.hhc and toc.hhk no echo
Hope useful,
John Z
Updated to version 1.1