For further developments.
OpenPrjToMsvc Add-In copy current project to project where
outms/outms64 and
It don't change CC, but in
LINKFLAGS it change
-machine:amd64 to
-machine:X64 just for a link.exe.
Hopefully someone find it usefull to test projects and create better or inform us how to make it better

EDIT 2018-02-24:
PrjToVCProj Add-In try to create <project>.vcproj project file for Visual Studio. Only some tests done with VS 2008
Hopefully someone test it with Visual Studio and let us know how generated project-file works with it.
When this works, then it should be possible to include a project-file for msvc users too.
VS don't like commctl.h in rc-files, it prefer winres.h or winresrc.h? (error RC2247: SYMBOL name too long)
PellesC have that winresrc.h.
WinSDK rc.exe see
MANIFEST as string, so rename it to
RT_MANIFEST correct id.
.vcxproj for MSBuild and VS 2010 ->
DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="15.0"
Visual Studio 2010: use v100
Visual Studio 2012: use v110
Visual Studio 2013: use v120 or v120_xp
Visual Studio 2015: use v140 or v140_xp
Visual Studio 2017: use v141 or v141_xp
EDIT 2018-03-01:
PrjToVSxProj Add-In.