Author Topic: WARNING: You need to implement LZ4_DEPRECATED for this compiler  (Read 3264 times)

Offline Anderson

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C:\PROGRAMAS\LetoDBf>pocc.exe -Fo"obj\lz4.obj" -Ot -I"include" -I"source\3rd\lz4\lib" -I"C:\XHB123\include"                 -I"C:\PellesC\Include" -I"C:\PellesC\Include\Win" "source\3rd\lz4\lib\lz4.c"
WARNING: You need to implement LZ4_DEPRECATED for this compiler

I am trying to compile LETODBF for xHarbour. I downloaded PellesC v11.

I seems to be very simple but I donĀ“t know how can I solve this.