Author Topic: How to view included files  (Read 1335 times)

Offline TimoVJL

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2024, 01:58:32 PM »
Perhaps a functions prototypas are problem?
Some macros might be difficult for parser.
May the source be with you

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2024, 02:11:28 PM »

I have found the error!!!

In the older codes, I used a custom proc that looks like this:
ac_WindowMainProcLoop_1(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

In the newer codes, I use a proc that looks like this:
LRESULT ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

I have made a note in the file for ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1 that Pelle said it must look like this. That's what I didn't remember from the email but now I remember that it was!

Now it works!
 :) :)

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2024, 02:16:32 PM »
This is what it looks like:

//Meddelandeslingans definition med LRESULT
#define ac_WindowMainProcLoop_1 LRESULT CALLBACK MessageLoopProc
//Meddelandeslingans definition utan LRESULT
#define ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1 CALLBACK MessageLoopProc //Pelle rekommenderar denna = In English "Pelle recommends this one"

I left the old one in for backwards compatibility.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2024, 02:21:08 PM by alderman2 »

Offline TimoVJL

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2024, 04:18:13 PM »
nice, that a your problem might be solved.
if Pelles C 12 is last version, we have to learn live with it.
May the source be with you

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2024, 08:44:46 PM »
Yes, it can be.
We can hope that it will handle all future Windows for many years to come.

Otherwise, I think we have to be prepared to change the programming platform. Maybe start by finding the best one out there. One that is most similar to Pelles-C but is developed by a group so that it doesn't suddenly die.

Is there a thread on the forum about other programming tools/platforms?

Offline Vortex

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2024, 08:56:48 PM »
Hi alderman2,

Is there a thread on the forum about other programming tools/platforms?

The forum is only focused on Pelles C.
Code it... That's all...

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2024, 11:51:08 PM »

Offline MrBcx

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2024, 01:59:46 AM »
This is what it looks like:

//Meddelandeslingans definition med LRESULT
#define ac_WindowMainProcLoop_1 LRESULT CALLBACK MessageLoopProc
//Meddelandeslingans definition utan LRESULT
#define ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1 CALLBACK MessageLoopProc //Pelle rekommenderar denna = In English "Pelle recommends this one"

I left the old one in for backwards compatibility.

Why you would think your custom macros were better than using the WinAPI conventional macros escapes me.
Anyway, the following explains the differences for when to use CALLBACK and LRESULT CALLBACK.

CALLBACK and LRESULT CALLBACK are both calling conventions and function types used in
Windows API programming, particularly when defining window procedures and other callback
functions in Windows applications.


This is a macro defined in Windows header files (windef.h)
It typically expands to __stdcall, which is a standard calling convention for Win32 API functions
Specifies how function parameters are passed and how the stack is cleaned up
Ensures compatibility with Windows API function calling conventions
Does not specify a return type


Combines two things:
a) LRESULT: The return type for the function (a 32 or 64-bit signed integer used for return values in Windows messaging)
b) CALLBACK: The calling convention (typically __stdcall)
Commonly used for window procedure functions (WndProc)
Provides both the return type and the calling convention in one declaration


BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam);

// Using LRESULT CALLBACK (typical for window procedures)
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

The key difference is that LRESULT CALLBACK specifies both the return type and
calling convention, while CALLBACK only specifies the calling convention.
In most Windows programming scenarios, LRESULT CALLBACK is more commonly used,
especially for window procedures and dialog procedures.

Bcx Basic to C/C++ Translator

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2024, 03:54:46 AM »
Thanks for the clarification!
I imagine Pelle said something similar.

The reason for custom functions for almost everything I program stems from when I started programming in C in 1987 with the Amiga 500. I went from Hisoft Basic to SAS-C (I think it was called). I didn't like the hassle of C that wasn't in Hisoft Basic. I started a bit simple by baking the complexities into small files named ac_xxxxxxx_1. "ac" is short for "ASSETC" which means "Asset for C". I also found that the names of various functions didn't really indicate what they were for. Therefore, I changed the names of the ones I used. Like the function we talk about in this thread.
After a few months of working with this I was able to program almost like with Basic. It was much faster to program with my little library and everything was right right away, it rarely went wrong because everything was already right in the library. In the end I had about 100 features.
In 1993 I switched to PC. I then bought Symanteck C/C++. I converted my library to Windows. It took a very long time because Windows was significantly more complicated than the Amiga OS to program. In 1994 I was done and could start programming for real again. Since then it's been 30 years and I switched Symantec to LCC Win32 around 2000. I continued with it until I started Pelles-C around 2015. All the time I've added new features to my library and now it's up to over 800. I know I didn't do this completely by the textbook but it works and I throw together a decently large program in a day or so if it doesn't include special calculations etc. The names of my functions say what they are for, so it's easy to find the right one, etc.
But now I've got a problem. I use very basic C code in my functions. If I try to compile a 64bit program, about 300 of my functions (when I include the whole package) do not work, they are simply not compatible with 64bit. So I have to try to fix it as necessary.
I'm so used to my library now that the times I try to program without it I have to look for code that I can use etc. It also takes significantly longer because I'm not used to it. I pretty much know my library "ASSETC" by heart. I'm too old now to start something new.

A little code, the functions say what they are for. This is my template that I always use when I start a new project:
Code: [Select]
//# NAMN = PcbDesignTool.c
//# DATUM     = 20241210
//# VERSION     = Se i ac_WindowCreate_1 nedan
//# SKAPARE     = xxxxxxxx

//## ##############################################################
//# Initieringsfältet   är   ytan   före   funktionen
//# ac_WindowMainCreate_1.  Här  lägger man  det som
//# skall inkluderas  av  pre-processorn,  prototyper
//# och diverse deklarationer. Programflödet strömmar
//# igenom   detta   fält  endast  när  applikationen
//# startas upp.

//# När funktioner används includeras endast det som behövs för
//# den eller de funktioner som koden innehåller.
//# Tyvärr så plockar kompilatorn med lite information från varje
//# funktion som _ASSETC_ innehåller. Detta stör inte det färdiga
//# programmet på något sätt men programmet blir större.
//# För att minimera programmets storlek inkluderar man endast
//# de funktioner som behövs för ändamålet. Det kan göras när
//#  man är klar med programmet.


#include "../_ASSETC_/_ac.h"
#include <wininet.h>

// * Länkar *
#pragma lib "Shell32.lib"
#pragma lib "Wininet.lib"
#pragma lib "kernel32.lib"
#pragma lib "user32.lib"
#pragma lib "gdi32.lib"
#pragma lib "comctl32.lib"
#pragma lib "comdlg32.lib"
#pragma lib "advapi32.lib"
#pragma lib "delayimp.lib"
//#pragma lib "netutils.lib"

// * Prototypes *
void Funk_09_SkapaKomponenter (HWND hwnd);
void Funk_09_Grafik (HWND hwnd);
int  Funk_99_DEBUGG (HWND hwnd,int int_test1, int int_test2);

// * Deklarationer *
HWND hwnd_G_Knapp_stang;
HFONT hfont_G_GrafFont;

// * Globala variabler *
//int int_G_stopp=0;

// * Globala konstanter *
//### ALLA ##########################################
#define KNAPP_STANG 1006

///// ac_WindowMainCreate_1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int ac_WindowMainCreate_1(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hOldInst,LPSTR lpszArg, int nWinStyle)
// Denna funktion måste alltid ingå i  ett  Windows-
// program för Cover.
// Funktionen   startar   programmet,    anger   var
// huvudlopen  finns,  fångar  in Windowsmeddelanden
// och skickar dom vidare till huvudlopen mm.
// * Lokala deklarationer mm *
MSG msg;

HWND hwnd;

//Skapa ett fönster
hwnd=ac_WindowCreate_1(hInst,"Mall",300,100,400,350,"MIN_MAX_CLO"); //
ac_WindowSetCenterPos_1 (hwnd);

// * Meddelandeslingan *
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
// Meddelandeslingan har inte byggts
// in  i  en  Cover - funktion  utan
// lämnas öppen.
// Orsaken är att  användare  ibland
// vill och kanske måste lägga  egen
// kod här för att få önskad  effekt
// i sina program.

//Underlättar användning
//av tangentbord

//Skicka meddelandet till
//Returvärde för
return  msg.wParam;

///// ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LRESULT ac_WindowMainProcLoopLresult_1(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// Programmets   huvudlop   är  en  central  del  av
// programmets funktion.  Windowsmeddelanden skickas
// igenom denna lop.

// * Huvudväxeln message *
switch (message)
{ // Styr flödet till  den
  // plats som passar ihop
  // med meddelandet.
  // Platsen anges  efter
  // case.

// Här skapas komponenter
// och annat.
// Detta meddelande  körs
// endast  en   gång  vid
// uppstart och ingen mer
// gång.

//** Lägg till ikonen **
ac_WindowSetResIcon_1(hwnd ,"MALL");
//Skapa graf-fonter
hfont_G_GrafFont = ac_GraphicCreateTextFont_1(14,5,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,"Verdana");//Courier Verdana 15 5

//Skapa komponenterna o **


case WM_SIZE:
// Flödet växlar in här
// när fönstret  ändrat
// storlek.



case WM_MOVE:
// Flödet växlar in här
// när fönstret  ändrat
// storlek.
//Uppdaterar fösnterytan när den flyttats
ac_WindowUpdate_1 (hwnd ,"ERASED");

case WM_PAINT:
// Flödet växlar in  här
// när Windows anser att
// fönstret skall  målas
// om.  Grafikfunktioner
// bör alltid ligga här.

Funk_09_Grafik (hwnd);

//Returnerar WM_PAINT meddelanden som inte används
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
//# FÖR ATT HINDRA FLICKER och ger en ljusare färg
return 0;

// Flödet växlar in  här
// när en  identifikator
// från komponenter  som
// knappar,menyer, kort-
// kommandon  och  andra
// kontroller aktiverats.

{// Styr flödet till  den
// plats som passar ihop
// med idetifikatorn.
// Identifikatorn  anges
// efter case.



// Om man utifrån  program-
// koden stänger programmet
// skickar  Windows   detta
// meddelande  till  proce-
// duren och programmet
// stängs.


// Avslutar applikationen
// när wParam=0


// Meddelanden  som
// inte tas om hand
// i  någon   plats
// (case)  kan  tas
// om hand här.

//Returnerar message meddelanden som inte använts
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

//Returvärdet för
return 0;

///// Funktionsfältet ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Fältet här under är till för egna funktioner  som
// byggs  upp  här.   Eftersom   detta  fält  aldrig
// genomströmas av programflödet  måste en  prototyp
// till funktionen placeras i initieringsfältet  som
// talar om att funktionen existerar och hur den ser
// ut. Den egna funktionen kan  sedan  anropas  från
// plats där programfödet  flyter  fram,  exempelvis
// inifrån någon case grupp.
// Efter att funktionen gjort sitt återgår  program-
// flödet till strax efter där funktionen anropades.

//Här läggs funktioner in som skall utföras

void Funk_09_SkapaKomponenter(HWND hwnd)
* Skapar komponeneterna för Utgift

hwnd_G_Knapp_stang = ac_ButtonSimpleCreate_1(hwnd, 10,310,120,20,"STÄNG","C","SHADOW",KNAPP_STANG);

void Funk_09_Grafik (HWND hwnd)

int  Funk_99_DEBUGG (HWND hwnd, int int_test1, int int_test2)
clock_t start, end;
double cpu_time_used;

start = clock();
//Do the work.
end = clock();
cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

//ac_GraphicSetTextOut_1(NULL,10,500,"                                   ",0,hfont_G_GrafFont,0);






return 0;

Entered the code in the code tag and changed in 1997 to the correct one, i.e. 1987.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 01:59:04 PM by alderman2 »

Offline John Z

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2024, 11:37:52 AM »
Hi Alderman2,

Converting to 64 bit is not extremely hard.  A bit tedious, but the compiler error messages are very helpful.
I converted to 64bit not that long ago - - -

Start by archiving all of the original code (goes without saying but I'm saying....)  :)
Next get and enable the Add-IN "Open project to 64bit".

Open your project as normal - then in the source code tree window on the output filename at the top of the tree right click and choose "Open project to 64bit" - when this has completed the output filename will be appended with 64.

Choose one file in the project tree and compile it.  If no errors move to the next.

In many cases the error will be with windows pointers the 64 bit version usually has a P added somewhere.
Once you find the 64 bit version search and replace the entire project.  If your code expects to utilize the full 64 bit 'range' then you'll want to check your own internal pointers as well.  But if 32 bit size will work for your case there may be no need to change everything.  There are 64 bit versions that often have 64 attached for ex:  struct _wfinddata64_t c_file; and hFile =  _wfindfirst64( p_fname, p_fdata );

John Z

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2024, 01:49:42 PM »
I will definitely look into this suggestion! I have my own way too, maybe yours is better.

Offline HellOfMice

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2024, 07:35:03 PM »
MayBe someone has already given the answer but I would try to delete all the obj files

Offline alderman2

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Re: How to view included files
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2024, 08:41:58 PM »
Will have to test it.