Author Topic: find & replace, move tabs, more  (Read 4277 times)


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find & replace, move tabs, more
« on: June 24, 2006, 05:11:09 PM »
regexp find and replace with multiple line support

move open file tabs left or right or drag to organize them

right click of folder in project file list should bring up "add files to this folder" option

split one file window into two or more viewing panes

"include files" folder on project file list should not automatically close on change

multiple instances

#pragma once

if source file path contains "(" e.g. C:\code(1)\test.c then when double clicked on the build error list it tries to open "C:\code(" not the full path


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find & replace, move tabs, more
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 01:03:12 PM »
shortcut key to go to next build error

option to highlight build error lines

option to highlight current line

option to remove "redo, undo, copy, paste, cut" from toolbar

enumerate define macros on mouse hover (or show value of the #define)

reverse window title so it says Project Name - Pelles C

Offline Pelle

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Re: find & replace, move tabs, more
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2006, 05:19:53 PM »
Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"
regexp find and replace with multiple line support

Maybe in some distant future...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

move open file tabs left or right or drag to organize them

Sounds like cosmetic crap, more than anything else...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

right click of folder in project file list should bring up "add files to this folder" option

No. Placement in the tree is determined by file extension and/or content - the user should not mess with this...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

split one file window into two or more viewing panes

The Window menu can bu used for this (an is more backwards compatible, if you don't even use the tabbed interface...)

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

"include files" folder on project file list should not automatically close on change

Known problem, but since it's much easier to rebuild the tree, than doing an incremental update (for all cases), it would be messy to fix - and I don't think it's a big problem...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

multiple instances

Read the docs, use /x option - but the IDE is single instance for a reason...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

#pragma once

I have considered it before, but since it adds very little useful, no...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

if source file path contains "(" e.g. C:\code(1)\test.c then when double clicked on the build error list it tries to open "C:\code(" not the full path

Extremely rare case - but, yeah, I guess...

Offline Pelle

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find & replace, move tabs, more
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2006, 05:25:42 PM »
Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"
shortcut key to go to next build error

option to highlight build error lines

option to highlight current line

Double-clicking an error line should be enough - I don't see a reason to add a whole subsystem just to handle build errors...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

option to remove "redo, undo, copy, paste, cut" from toolbar

Maybe, but not very high priority...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

enumerate define macros on mouse hover (or show value of the #define)

Maybe. Right-clicking <name>, and selecting "Go to definition of: <name>", works already (provided browse info is on), and will usually give more context...

Quote from: "dw9wkhmtcc"

reverse window title so it says Project Name - Pelles C

The order is determined by Windows, so no...