I think you're right. I did my search without positive results, too.
USER32.lib is not for CE development, of course. It was silly trying to link against.
But I'm confused. This function is located at WINUSER.H. It is not protected with "#ifndef _WINCE". This way, I can compile my code (although incorrect, as long as the API is not usable from CE platforms).
I don't know how to handle my problem without using this function (I could with AttachThreadInput as an alternative, but this is defined neither for WinCE).
Problem is: I need to get the handle to the focused window, that is a child (or descendant) of a known window (I got the handle), but this last is not in the current working thread (so I'm not able to get it just with GetFocus()). How can I do it without those API calls?
Hope any of you has addressed the problem before (and got the solution :lol: )