Hello All,
I have been developing commercially for the last ten years in a VB like language.
I am constantly frustrated by the fact that every DLL I want to utilize is has source available in C that I cannot get my head around.
Recently I wanted to work with 7z. There was no 32bit DLL available, only activeX. So then I was faced with the prospect of compiling one. God knows where to start with that.
Then I found one, compiled by a Japanese guy, so all everything was in Japanese!
I managed to figure out what all the exported functions from the DLL were (with a tool I wrote) then I had the dilemma of trying to figure out what the arguments to these functions might need.
So I am back to the problem of reading C code again. If i could find the functions in the code, I could probably deduce what they are, but the project is huge:
http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.htmlSo here I am. I can read Java and pascal somewhat, so I think I can manage C, but all these switches and libraries and linkers and arrrrrrrgh... how do I find the wood for the trees in this language?
For Example, How do I find the the functions:
FUNCTION SevenZipExtractMem LIB "7-ZIP32.DLL" ALIAS "SevenZipExtractMem" ( BYVAL hWnd AS LONG, BYVAL szCmdLine AS STRING, BYREF lpBuffer AS BYTE, BYVAL dwsize AS LONG, lpTime AS LONG, lpwAttr AS STRING, lpdwWriteSize AS LONG) AS LONG
FUNCTION SevenZipCompressMem LIB "7-ZIP32.DLL" ALIAS "SevenZipCompressMem" ( BYVAL hWnd AS LONG, BYVAL szCmdLine AS STRING, BYREF lpBuffer AS BYTE, BYVAL dwsize AS LONG, lpTime AS LONG, lpwAttr AS STRING, lpdwWriteSize AS LONG) AS LONG
In the C code?