Author Topic: DNS issues  (Read 3717 times)


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DNS issues
« on: December 14, 2009, 09:32:31 PM »
a call to gethostbyname() in my little app fails (error 10050) when my wm6.1 device is connected to its 3G network (t-mobile).  but if i turn the phone off and turn wifi on and run the app again, dns works fine (as expected).  if i launch ie mobile, it resolves addresses just fine whether the device is on 3G or wifi, as do google maps, yahoo. mail, etc.  how are commercial apps accessing dns when a device is on the phone's network? 
i realize gethostbyname() is somewhat deprecated, but switching to getaddrinfo() presents some problems (certain header files and .dll's shown in msdn examples, are not distributed with pelles c.)  my app is old, but it ran reliably in its day, ie. pre-3G.  so what is it about 3G that breaks gethostbyname(), and maybe getaddrinfo() as well?  thanks.